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Why You Shouldn't Use W*ndigo

Why You Shouldn't Use W*ndigo
Posted 2021-10-29 16:27:04
It has come to my attention that many people on this site are unaware that the use of w*ndigo (especially around the winter time) is not only highly inappropriate but also is cultural appropriation.
Since cultural appropriation and racism ISN'T against ToS I figured there is nothing wrong with posting some education on the matter.
In case people don't want to click any of the sources I will say -- w*ndigo IS NOT supposed to be used outside of Indigenous context (especially Algonquin). It is their story -- as well to many is not just simply a mythos or cryptid.
So if you are wondering why you shouldn't use it there are some sources and I encourage people to educate themselves on it and realize it is just a continuation of colonizer aggression when you use the word inappropriately and against Indigenous wishes.

Posted 2021-10-29 17:08:35
Also if I could add the Obijwa, and other Northern First Nations have similar spelling like Wiidig* and such, so look into the lore before just changing a few letters.

I come from the Eastern Wolf Cherokee on my mother's side and the Arkansas Chippewa and Chickasaw on my fathers, and my husband's father is half Algonquin so he's gave me a lot of insight on their lore and tribe history.
Veronica Roth

Posted 2021-10-30 12:43:24
Thank you so much for the links you posted! I read the articles and they helped me gain a better understanding of what the Windigo truly means. Some of the links to stories on that last lookup page were broken, which was disappointing. But I do plan on listening to the Cree elder's stories later when I have some time.

I don't feel that cultural appropriation necessarily equates to racism, as some folks do. Sometimes it comes from a genuine interest in that culture, although it's often somewhat ignorant or misinformed. I think that appropriated stories, even if they are altered from the original, can spur others to get interested in the cultures from which they come. And seeing similarities between these foreign tales and our own reminds us that we are all alike in our humanity. We are all brothers and sisters.


Posted 2022-08-05 05:21:25
What is w*indigo?

Lucia (Xhe/Xher)

Posted 2022-08-21 17:22:50

A reminder to this thread to please keep all content posted to Wolvden appropriate and respectful in nature to all players and cultures. Any content or terminology that is offensive, racist, hateful, or discriminatory in any manner will not be tolerated. If you feel any content posted is in violation of Wolvden rules, please contact the Modbox so that moderators can investigate.

Thank you.

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