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Cheap Tarot Readings [OPEN] (0/3 SLOTS)

Cheap Tarot Readings [OPEN] (0/3 SLOTS)
Posted 2021-10-07 07:13:18 (edited)
Hello, all! My name is Folklore (19yrs) and I'm a tarot reader. I grew up watching my mother, and now I'm doing it myself! These are pretty cheap since I'm just starting out. In spite of my knowledge, I don't have the confidence to charge anyone more than what I think my work to be worth as of right now as an unestablished generational tarot reader.

5gc a reading! Once accepted (please post in this thread first)  please PM me your question.

With introductions out of the way, let's get into the things I won't do.
  • I will NOT spy on someone else for you. That is not what I'm here for. I am an ethical reader.

  • I am not here to check in on your health. That is for professional doctors and nurses. I am a simple tarot reader.

  • Love tarot is something I am rather tentative with, but if you have a simple enough question, then that's okay.

  • Spreads. I am new to them and will not be doing the celtic cross or anything similar. I will be pulling 3 cards as a standard and then going from there.

Speaking of how I work, three tarot card spreads are my mastery level right now and that is where I was told to start out. I am willing to pull confirmation cards for clarity without any extra cost, so long as it doesn't exceed 2. Any more and the price will go up by 2gc. By commissioning me as a reader, you are consenting to that. I will still warn you, though!

Payment is received before I begin to read, for my own safety.

Also, as a reader, when you commission me, you are giving me permission to get a little picture of your life. I am by no means psychic quite yet, I just have a neat little thing called intuition that I follow! If you have an issue with that, please look… I don't want to say elsewhere because everyone that reads tarot uses their intuition, but you get the gist.

Also, on the topic of questions, it is normal if I ask some. I watched my mother read for years, and she's a professional with clients literally everywhere. Across the country and even in other countries. Intuition doesn't mean I know everything. Even psychics don't know anything. We are humans, not gods.

Now with that all out of the way, if you have any questions let me know!

And remember, I have the right to refuse you no matter what. However, this will never be because of your race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, anything of that sort. We support good energy here.


Posted 2021-10-07 22:53:24 (edited)
Hello there

Its nice to meet you. Dont worry i will follow your rules. 

I read everything you have written.

I didnt see how much a reading would be. If could let me know how much one reading would that would be great. Feel free to ask me any questions.

Just to let you know i do have a learning disability. It just means sometimes i take longer to learn news things and or understand simething.


Posted 2021-10-08 01:19:45
Readings are 5gc! Thank you for letting me know, I will put it in a better place so more people can see.

And thank you for letting me know that as well! I will be sure to be as clear as possible. If you get confused, let me know exactly what is confusing you and I will do my best to fix it.

I will be sure to deliver the readings in a clear way as well. Could you privately message me your question?


Posted 2021-10-08 05:44:07
no problem.  thanks for letting me know how much a reading is.

you are very welcome.

if i get confused i will do my best to let you know what is confusing me. will do my best to explain it to you.


i will message you my question as soon i as have a question.

please enjoy your day and have a wonderful weekend


Posted 2021-10-08 06:15:57
Thank you so much, you too!

I look forward to your question! 😁


Posted 2021-10-08 06:33:19
You are very welcome

Please ask me as many questions as you need.

I look forward to a reading from you


Posted 2021-10-08 07:03:26
I'll definitely ask questions during the reading if I need something to be cleared up! Thank you for the reassurance.


Posted 2021-10-08 07:10:04
You are very welcome

No problem .

I will maje sure to clear out my inbox.


Posted 2021-10-08 18:06:04
Hi, I'm super interested in purchasing a reading. I've never had one done before and only have a surface level knowledge on tarot. I'm excited to test the waters a bit more though and to have another perspective weigh in! I do have a question lined up, but I'm down to clarify anything in advance and can send payment as soon as I get confirmation. Take care in the meantime <3!


Posted 2021-10-09 05:18:45
Hello! I hope to be a good first experience! If you have any questions after I give you the reading, let me know! Feel free to send me your question, and if I need clarifying questions for the reading, I'll be sure to ask ❤


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