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.:Alpha And (Your role) RP!:.

Posted 2021-11-29 10:05:16
"What do you mean? Rose is right here!!" Wonder points her paw at Rose who looks like she might pounce on the two older wolves any second but of course it looks like she is pointing at air


Posted 2021-11-29 10:15:01
*The two of them look back at each other* "Well... say what? Would you like to join our pack? You can be well looked after and im sure Iminu and Krenos would love to have another pup to play with!" *Neera wagged her tail friendly*


Posted 2021-11-29 11:54:35
Wonder wagged her tail and grinned "Mhm!!"


Posted 2021-11-29 14:23:18
*Neera smiled and led Wonder to the pack, Jimirou raced from her healers den and looked around, screaming that she had a vision until Quanos smacked her head with a powerful paw, knocking her out* "Stay here little one!" Neera growled softly as Lukast ran up to his youngest sister and stared at her, before turning to Quanos* "You idoit! You knocked her out!!!" *Jay, Tay and Digido came up behind Quanos threatiningly* "This is your ALPHA your talkin to fool!" *Tay giggled* "Yeah, so leave!" *Jay snarled*


Posted 2021-11-29 15:37:07
Wonder looked around, Rose wasn't anywhere, She limped over and sniffed the prey pile and a huge deer carcass falls on her, hurting her paw even more "Oof!"


Posted 2021-11-29 15:44:53
*Neera looks for Wonder and sees a deer carcass moving, so she would pick the carcass up and reveals Wonder* "Silly, silly follow me- im sure that my friend would have some herbs for you. Lukast! Leave alpha and his followers alone! Cmon wake Mrs.Sleepy head there and bring Jimirou to the den! We have a hurt puppy!? Have you forgot!?" *Lukast growls and picks up his sister, dragging her to the den as Wonder was led over to the healers den by Neera.* "Wha?!" *Jimirou yelps as cold water was poured onto her, waking her up* "Hey sleepy head! wake up! We have a hurt pup!" *Jimirou jumped up and grabed some herbs, crafting a polituce and looking at Wonder's paw, applying it* "Better?"


Posted 2021-11-29 15:46:02
Wonder nodded


Posted 2021-11-29 15:50:24
*Neera looks up as Senja walked in, her grey fur rounded around her flanks, showing she had a good meal for her future pups* "You're not working too hard with your tasks? Are you? If so, let me talk to Quanos and ask to take your place!" *Senja ignored her and stared at Wonder* "Who's this?" *She let out a growl, grumpy from an argument. The wolves all looked at Wonder* "This lil one was spotted outside our boundaries! She is new to our pack, show her love and respect, now sleep well! You will feel better!" *Jimirou turned to talk to her group of friends and siblings about Quanos*


Posted 2021-11-29 15:53:52
Wonder looks around and spots a spare swan feather, growling playfully she jumps on it and barks "Hah! That's what you get for messing with the all mighty Wonder!" She said a bit too loudly.


Posted 2021-11-29 16:04:24
*The wolves look up and stare at her, turning back and talking until they walk away, arguing. Two male wolves come in, then look confused at the sight of Wonder. The smaller one wags his tail* "Hello! Who are you! Im Krenos! This is Taviin!" *the pup wags his tail happily, his grey and brown fur shining*


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