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new player mm delicious

new player mm delicious
Posted 2020-10-19 04:21:06

bro i,,, i've waited so long to be here and it doesn't really feel real?? it seems so weird to finally be on Wolvden after all this time. 

I feel a little overwhelmed to be honest, don't fully trust that all of my wolves won't be dead as dirt tomorrow and i'm not good at making money (one of my problems on Lioden was trouble earning SB) but i think i got this.


i hope.

there's so many people here which i'm not very used to but I hope to get accustomed to it eventually! Looking forward to finding some friends from offsite that I assume are coming here and meeting some new ones! if you have any advice on getting money that would be greatly appreciated thank ye


Posted 2020-10-19 04:24:25

hey welcome!! as both a beta and ea player, don't stress it! wolves aren't super easy to kill/lose if you pay attention to the tutorial quests :D

sb earning is a little rough at first! you'll be getting most your SB through your daily snake quest and explore encounters. i'd 100% recommend this grouse house guide for what all the explore encounters give out! it's hella helpful esp for regenerating health on your lead + earning sb to start out

the raccoon also doesn't give you great prices but you can sell stuff to them! i'd recommend not selling your herbs tho since you can make those into cures (when the herbalist unlocks for you) and can sell those to other players

totally don't be shy to hit me up if you've got questions!!


Posted 2020-10-19 04:24:39

Heyo, nice to meet you, played Lioden for quite awhile, a bit on and off but eh, haven't been on in awhile. Nice to meet ya!


Posted 2020-10-19 04:29:18

Welcome! I completely forgot they were going public up until this morning, but it is nice to finally see more people coming into the game!

One of the best ways I have come to make SC is selling carcasses and healing salves honestly. Unless you plan on fighting heavily early on you can sell a healing salve for around 45 SC based off the trading center prices, it will fluctuate but that is the price I've been able to sell money at! Same with any medicine, once you unlock the herbalist you can pretty much sell off whatever you don't need for extra pocket change. 

As for carcasses I only sell the single use items to the raccoon, but everything else I throw into the trading center. If you only have a few wolves at the start you won't need all the food you find in explore and hunting right away so you can always fetch a good bit if you put any excess food up for trade.


Posted 2020-10-19 04:30:27


Thank you! I'll definitely be using the guide! It's calming to know that wolves will be easier to keep than I first expected 



Same here, I used to be active on Lioden but I sorta forgot my account existed. Nice to meet you too!


Posted 2020-10-19 04:31:52

Rat, I'll be sure to do that too then! Thank you for the help


Posted 2020-10-19 04:34:23

No problem, it can be a bit of a grind but it feels nice when you begin to gain a small fortune over a few days :)


Posted 2020-10-19 10:02:37

Welcome new players! Accepting friend requests and don't be afraid to message me :)


Posted 2020-10-20 06:52:05

helloooooo, welcome :) <3

To add on to the raccoon thing, double-check to see what he's buying things for. Unless it's 1SC or more per use, then it's not worth it and definitely take that to the TC. Amusement items are almost worth nothing to sell to him, there are a few that're 1SC/use, but not many. I've been able to sell things on the TC for about 5SC/use, so definitely look to make sure you're getting some decent profit. Definitely agree on don't sell your herbs though too!!

Beth :D

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