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(Wolf_Runner12 & Atlas) Private Role Play

Posted 2021-09-15 18:08:34
Jack had only heard two things in this weird place he was at, barking and claws bashing against the ground, a smaller human had walked past his cage and looked at him as he tried to dig a whole to get out, his claws started to bleed... "This place sucks" he thought in his mind...


Posted 2021-09-15 18:44:58
Holden kept pacing back in forth. He noticed the smaller human and looked at them for a moment before he kept pacing


Posted 2021-09-15 18:56:51
Jack jumped up on the kennel next to him and realized the door was unlocked but the smaller dog was still asleep, thinking of ways to get out well his claws still bleed out and broken, "Maybe jumping over will work?" he thought in his head... He took a leap but hit the hard wall face first, the small human had seemed to focus on the other dogs before the puppy woke up and ran out of the pin...


Posted 2021-09-15 19:04:15
Holden turned his attention to the other dog, "what are you doing?"


Posted 2021-09-15 19:05:48
Jack replied in a annoyed tone "trying to get out but its not working" he said well taking another leap at the wall


Posted 2021-09-15 19:08:08
"Your not gonna get out that easily." Holden told him, "you have to wait for the perfect moment"


Posted 2021-09-15 19:08:53
Jack tilted his head slightly "Is that so? Where did that small human go again do you remember?"


Posted 2021-09-15 19:10:54
"I'm not to sure to be honest" he said


Posted 2021-09-15 19:12:11
"Damn it! Maybe when another human comes I can attempt to escape" he said as a small hand peeks around the corner by the exit door


Posted 2021-09-15 19:13:53
Holden looked towards the door, "like that one?"


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