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Private Rp between Lyn.x13 and Daisy

Posted 2021-09-14 20:07:39
Evening shook his limbs to ready himself. Bouncy to and fro to get their rhythm down. With Skipping Stone watching with judgmental eyes and many of his pack mates watching from the shadows, Evening knew he had to preform his best. Preferably win, though Skipping Stone never explicitly stated anything, it's a well known fact that if a member of the pack looses to a loner they were put against in a trial that wolf will revive a tail mark instead of the loner. Currently, scars were seen as weaknesses in the pack. Whether it was stated in the Stepping Stones or not. Evening had gone so far without a single scar, keeping him well respected in the pack, he didn't want to ruin it now.

Limbered up and mind focus Evening waited for Skipping Stone's signal to start. Which was a quick bark. A high-pitch and loud bark echoed in Evening's ears as he practically rolled to the left. Then quickly shifting gears and leaping to the right, then sliding back, then pivoting left, before leaping forward then rearing back. His moments were swift, sporadic and filled with energy. Evening had built quite the endurance over the sunrises so he was confident he could keep this up for a while. Though only time will tell. And who knows how this other leader will play the game.


Posted 2021-09-15 11:03:09

Snow sat back. He watched and learned Evening's subtle patterns and give away, but while he sat, his pack muttered behind him, quietly urging him to start. Soon their urging turned to anger. After merely five minutes of stone still sitting, Snow lunged. His powerful back paws propelled him directly towards the spot where Evening would land. He looked up at the wolf, ready to grab him with strong paws.

Lyn.x13 (Lights ON)

Posted 2021-10-02 17:20:48
Hey, do you think we could recon this? I so sorry but I've been super busy because of school. Also my current lead Skipping Stone is about to pass away in like one rollover. We can just say Snow beat Evening, they got allowed to stay. We can write up some kind of lore about how the forest got divided between the two packs.


Posted 2021-10-02 17:26:50
Or it could be a thing where your pack and mine kind of take over the three starting biomes and the riparian. My pack will have grasslands and mountains, you'll have the forest and woodland cause I couldn't survive in riparian. My hunters weren't bringing back food. If not I can just say my pack is in riparian
Lyn.x13 (Lights ON)

Posted 2021-10-02 17:27:23
But yeah a recon works
Lyn.x13 (Lights ON)

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