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Do You know why it does this? Unfair

Do You know why it does this? Unfair
Posted 2021-08-07 21:30:51

im not sure what do do? this happens whenever i go huntiing. i havent been able to get any food from this as long as i have been able to play this game.i just pay for gold coins and buy food on the trade market instead. i have been to talking to with some other peple on the website adn they dont do it like that? whats going on

evil wolf guy

Posted 2021-08-07 21:39:04 (edited)
Hey, I decided to take a look at your wolves, and I think the issue is that they have clashing personalities. If they don't have compatible personalities, they can't hunt very well.

groffly - Aggressive
emo wolf - Stoic
the secretary - Stoic
the smart cool guy - Stoic
shiro sheer wolf - Friendly

The problem is shiro sheer wolf - Friendy personalities clash with Aggressive. Her personality would need to be changed to either Aggressive or Stoic, but NOT Romantic, as Romantic would just clash with the Stoic personalities. (The visual guide for personalities is here.)

Try switching shiro sheer wolf's personality and see if the hunting odds get any better. (Or switch groffly to Friendly, either way works.) Hope this helps!


Posted 2021-08-07 21:40:54
htank you! how to i change the personality?

evil wolf guy

Posted 2021-08-07 21:42:55
No problem! Here. Buy whichever one you'd like to switch to. If you'd like the SC to do it, I can send it over!


Posted 2021-08-07 21:46:46 (edited)
no problem i can aford it! i will do it and see how it works. thank you

evil wolf guy

Posted 2021-08-07 22:20:24
@saeginko ok so i went and i did the personanity switch on shiro wolf to make her into a friendtly wolf, but now i only gut a 1% on a critter trail @_@

evil wolf guy

Posted 2021-08-07 22:23:27 (edited)
Ah, shiro sheer wolf should be switched to Aggressive, as she was already Friendly. I'm sorry if I didn't make that clear!

So either she should be changed to Aggressive, or groffly should be made Friendly. Either way works!


Posted 2021-08-07 22:29:38
OMG i cannot beilieve i did that.i toatally misread that, i will go and go get another personality coin and do it THE RIGHT WAY y_y ;___; wtf... i am so amberassed

evil wolf guy

Posted 2021-08-07 22:34:49
Lol you're good, don't worry about it! Personalities can be pretty confusing. :')

I checked your wolves again to be sure, and they all look good now! Next time you hunt, you should see a big difference in the odds. Let me know if you need anything else! :P


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