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MY WOLVES. A recommendum.

Posted 2023-10-16 00:13:59


no my dear chump. it's really f**king not. but? you know? it's still important to schare the word. so there's a nother wolf in town now. xer name?:

xer name?: Crim (the wolf)


A middle ages - to - young aged wolf. xey have PURE plack fur (platinum black), are very haunting lookin, very big to. xer paypads glow light syan green. A few circal holers are punched in both ears.


(quote)"Yea. You head me read. I mean you heard me read. Nonna your buisness."

Crim was named after that sh*t that xey did do the very best. Criminy. Now what in the what is a frecking criminy? WHAT in the criminy? what the crimcrim is alla that bout? now what teh hell is this?
dafuk? hu? now wat in sam's club is this? who asked... now stand up, ech and everywone of you... stand up and tell me WHO DID ASK!!!! WHO?!?!? WHO dare ask in this house of the lving and the dead... of our masters above & and below... the h*lldemons among the crowd and the Otherwise? Hho's buisness is it but to speak even a sinple sillable of the criminy that is spoken here today

well enyway lol criminy is wat Crim calls xer speceal blend of fighting style.

Crim was born in 1941. It was 15 years before the Tide Wars. When xe was born, there was much sprife and chaos afoot. For xe was born in the heat of the baddle in xer home country currently (presently) going through the toils of War. But this was NOT the tide war, this was like if the Tide Wars were War 2, this was like War 1. But it wasn't really. Ha ha... It might have lead up to the point and influenced the Tides of battle for the Tide War. BUt that is what they say about a butterfly flapping its wings across the ocean caussing a typhoon and frankly that shit is so dumb i am pretty sure that isn't real.

It was when xe was 12 that xe met.... Evil. Yeah. Da leater of da pack as they say. They were both the best of friends together, meeting under the cold grey sun of the wartorn city....

it was 15 years after that even when stuff started to really go downtown. many of you today propaply don't even know this but this was the point in time when those little things called "tone indicators" were made. And here is what the meaning oringinally meant, accoring to Crim.

Tone Indicators (rhymes with dictators) were not used tas they are today. they have a muhc more humble origin..*mumble mumble*.. yea u heard me right. "to Tone Down the Dictators." they were simply thought and put intent into when speaking, and it would add addidional affects to a speach. here's just some of them.

" /a ": "Always remember my children. Be greatful for what you have" this was of course in reference to the great words of Mr. Wise Wings the Eagle. The effects wouyld make the opponent in the debate get totally gish galloped into getting so distracted by how greatful they are for their worldly possesions that they simply cant concenprate on the debate anymore.

" /s " "Serpent! Your tounge bequeefs lies! Eat of the fruit of the lord and uncover the secret!" This will teleport a food into his mouth. People use this to help friends if there in jail and etc

"  /j  ": "Jester Of Kingly Eschatron, Imminate!" If you think about this too much your life will spiral down and you have a to be careful. This makes the other guy think that everything you say is a joke. you can do this if you need to say some certain information to an audience but don't want the dictator to know or "internalice" it. basically he will not listen to what you said and just do a scoff

" /hj ": I am not gong to talk about this here.

" /b ": Become One With Your Creator.... B**ch. " now this gurgling bouncing baby boy of a Tone Card would put the recepiant right down on his a*s. It takes years to praptice this one but once you get it it will fuse them with the person next to him. they become the "Gametes" of a new life if you catch my driff. One of the dictators will turn into a large sphere about 5 feet tall around and the other will shrink down and move inside the ball. The insite of the ball will split millions of times and grow until it explodes. THIS ONE IS DANGEROUS: if you do this in a enclosed space it will squich people so watch out.

" /srs ": "*Shruss... Shruss...*" this is meaningless to us in this plain (dimension) but in certain context it makes alla the sence in the world. it's not something i can really explain well with these words but here's an attempt:

My son..
My son Shruss.
He holds my arm.
I take his hand again.
We sing songs to the sky.
He waves his other hand to God.
Light, burning, all that it touches.
His hand leaves my grasp.
The light says nothing.
My Shruss leaves.
Trees wither.

literally that's the best I can do. liek don't look at me.... just workin with what i got here...

last one "  /gen  ": "GENERATE ANEW:" so this one is also hard to explain but nowhare near as hard as the last one. so when you think this along with your statement the opponent will grow another spine outside of his body. each vertibray will rotate in opposite directions 90 degrees and then branch out into new spines each. there ends up being a full square of spine bones, then they all turn 90 degrees away and grow more upwards and make a cube like 10feet tall/wide of spine bones. then the outside corners of the bones cube will grow a muscle around them, and then connect acorrs the edges. this gets covvered in callously skin. it's still connected to the guy btw but the verdibray bones shuffle him into the inside of the cube. then usually the bones will start growing spinal chords that go out and try to connect to stuff.

*Evil's Note:*: If there are any "snowflake" in the audience and/or rabble rousing public thaat cannt handle somenoe having xe xem pronouns here's your "trigger warnging": "Content Warning: In this content, there is a character by the name of "Crim" who goes by xe/xem pronouns. We feel it is important to provide this extensive warning to ensure that viewers are adequately informed about this aspect of the content. The use of xe/xem pronouns, which are a set of gender-neutral pronouns, may be unfamiliar or sensitive to some viewers. It is crucial to approach this content with an open mind and a respectful attitude towards diverse gender identities and expressions. We encourage viewers to be mindful of the unique gender experiences and identities that people may have, as we believe in fostering an inclusive and understanding environment for all. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, we recommend researching and educating yourself about gender diversity and pronoun usage to better appreciate the experiences of individuals who use pronouns like xe/xem. Viewer discretion is strongly advised to ensure a respectful and informed viewing experience.*raises middle finger* "

evil wolf guy

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