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Nikolai x Roan {WIP}

Nikolai x Roan {WIP}
Posted 2021-07-11 20:43:10 (edited)

art by 14273

Nikolai found the rambler by pure chance. He had been tempted to dismiss the echo on the wind. A youth calling out. “How bold.” Nikolai mused to the falling pine needles that gathered like snow at the territory’s edge. The fox coated male was use to charming females that danced too close to his home (they often left carrying more than they arrived with). What possibly could a young male offer him? 

But there it was. That song on the air. Closer this time. “Persistent.” Nikolai snorted before he let his throat open in response. The scent line of the pack’s territory should keep the stranger from coming too near. Nikolai would have to meet him at the border.

Is that all?” The youth shouted out as Nikolai trotted between the pines to the border’s edge.

I’m sorry to disappoint you.” Nikolai eyed the titanium coated male keenly. He was handsome. Fit. Powerful limbs, but lithe in the way one fed too little could be. A lone wolf.

You are of no disappointment...” The youth replied while eyeing Nikolai in turn. It had been many a moon since the traveler had seen another wolf, and this one was was well fed and in his prime. A sight for sure. "...but I expected a pack. I can smell more. A female…

My pack leader. She is of no concern to you. Unless you want a throat full of fangs... would you have preferred that?” At Nikolai’s response the opposing male smiled. Didn’t he know the danger he was in? Foolish youth. 

Will I find no warm welcome here?” The lone male replied in turn, and that damned smile remained. Nikolai began to close the distance between them.

And who are you to warrant welcome?” Nikolai stopped short before the other male with his tail and head held high. Before Nikolai could react the youth reached out to make contact. His tongue pressed over Nikolai’s dark lips, and the clear act of submission stirred at the soft primal ache of the russet coated male. Perhaps this rambler could be of some entertainment.



Posted 2021-09-23 15:19:50
Oh my, I didn't notice this existed until today. Really excited to see more of the ship's story!

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