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Happy Midsummer!

Happy Midsummer!
Posted 2021-06-25 01:33:14


Just here to wish EVERYONE of you a HAPPY MIDSUMMER! 

I'm aware that alot of countries doesn't celebrate it, but I'm here anyway.

You might wonder what it's about? Well let me tell you!

From wikipedia:

"Midsummer is the period of time in the middle of the summer. The exact dates vary among different cultures, but is primarily held close to the summer solstice."

It also has a bunch of different names and different traditions around it depending on where you're from. In Sweden where I'm from it's called Midsommar. 

Here are a bunch of names for it in different places. Even though we might not celebrate it the same we're still celebrating the same thing!

"Feast of Saint John the Baptist, Summer Solstice, St. John's Feast Day, Jāņi, Enyovden, Līþa/ Lithe, Midsommar, Ivan Kupala Day, Juhannus, Mittumaari, Alban Hefin, Gŵyl Ganol yr Haf, Sankthans, Joninės, Jaanipäev, Keskikesä" - also from wikipedia 

We celebrate in a bunch of different ways, here are some things we do depending on where you're from: Festivals, bonfires, feasting, singing, Maypole dancing.

In Sweden we usually drink alot, eat a lot of food, and dance around the Maypole, in Swedish it's called the "Majstång" or "Midsommarstång".

We usually sing a song about small frogs AT LEAST ONCE on midsummer. Makes sense? No?

Here's an image from Google of the Swedish tradition. Here you'll se people dressed in our national custome.  We usually don't wear it but some people do! Like most people don't even own one.

Thanks for reading and once again - HAPPY MIDSUMMER!

Do you celebrate it? Feel free to share how and where you're from!


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