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Choose your GODLY path GREEK RP (open)

Choose your GODLY path GREEK RP (open)
Posted 2021-06-15 12:17:26

As usual western civilization has moved along with the gods. With this a new greek hero camp. Here's come in 16 or older. Almost alls the same except the cabin's. They circle a beautiful greek fountain the 12 Olympians toward the center and then cabins slowly fan out like those tiny palm size mazes you get at the dentist.

First are you a half-blood or maybe a stayer. Theres also all the other spirits if you want. If your a half-blood sadly we have to have it start 16 years old or older. But you start in the school of your choice you can be your stayer or maybe team up with a friend and travel to camp-half-blood. Go on quests try bearing the weight of the world by going out to live with your mortal parent. 

Please fill out character sheet first

Choose your GODLY path (open for all)

After I accept you , you may start the rp

Lost Howl

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