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☆ The Great River Alliance (Casual, Literate, On-Site RP) ☆

☆ The Great River Alliance (Casual, Literate, On-Site RP) ☆
Posted 2020-10-14 16:12:36 (edited)

Sign-ups are still open!~ Check the link below if you're interested~

Welcome to the Great River Alliance! In this RP, you can play the role of an Alliance member, a rogue loner, or perhaps even a neutral or even an enemy pack! However you wish to play, you are welcome to join. Before posting, please be sure to get your character approved in the sign-up thread (link below) and added to the Alliance Characters Sheet!

So who is the Great River Alliance? And what do they represent? The Alliance is exactly what it sounds like; it is an alliance between packs who are just beginning to take hold in the lands ruled by wild wolves. These packs have a peace treaty, and respectfully share borders with one another and meet at the turn of each season and share news between packs.

Inspired by the world of Erin Hunter’s Warriors series, much of the language and worldbuilding will be similar in a few ways. Please keep this in mind when considering becoming a member. This doesn’t have to be strictly adhered to or anything, but should make it easy for all players to be on the same page. If you already have a pack with similar lore, language, etc., then they should fit in perfectly. But don’t be afraid to sign up if your pack is very different!


☆ GRA Sign-Up & OOC Chat Thread 

Alliance Roster Sheet ☆ Alliance Characters Sheet ☆ NPC Characters Sheet


The Story So Far...

First Winter
The Great River Alliance has just sealed the deal. A small gathering of varying wolves from varying packs stand shuffled and mingling about. They’re all...becoming acquainted. Sharing ideas. Bonding. For the most part, at least. There are bound to be budding friendships and rivalries both, as the Great River Alliance takes its first step into their collective story. Will their peace between packs hold firm? Or will they succumb to division...even war? Only the seasons passing will tell. And with that...the story of the Great River Alliance begins.

LM 💖✌🌠

Posted 2020-10-14 16:13:01 (edited)

Solo Post.

     Shimmering starlight shone in the yellow eyes of the pretty she-wolf. Moonlight glistened against her sandy pelt, dappled with deep, rich browns and speckled with glittering white. The collective howls of the packs and clans and tribes making up the Great River Alliance echoed and flowed on a cool winter breeze. This season would be the roughest one yet, but that was precisely why Starfall had elected to form the Alliance now instead of any other time. This was when the wolves would need one another the most. This was when bonds would be tested and blood would be shed and shared both. That thought prickled and poked against the back of Starfall’s mind. And was overshadowed by something entirely different.
     Starfall’s bright eyes shone gold in the starlight, and a pleased smile spread across her maw. Sure, things could go absolutely, terribly, horribly wrong, but... More importantly, this Alliance could lead to many great things...for all of them. And that thought was what filled Starfall’s fluttering heart with hope. A howl was starting to itch in her throat, but she held it back and instead let out an excited whine. Her long plume of a tail wafted side to side as she watched her clanmates mingling with their fellow Alliance members. Among them were the wolves curious enough about the Alliance to join them for the night, members or not. What new stories would she be hearing back at Mossy Den, she wondered? Her paws brought her stepping down the large boulder from which she had addressed her fellow new members and allies. Scanning the crowd, her plush tail started to softly wag.

LM 💖✌🌠

Posted 2020-10-18 10:08:23

Open for interactions!

Mazlenitsa Akabane | Queen/Leader | The Akabane Family | Location: Alliance gathering 

          Sitting in the middle of the crowd, Mazlenitsa looked around at the other wolves. She was uncomfortable and defensive. She sat alone, but nodded to passing wolves and didn't not talk to anyone who approached her. She hoped that the Great River Alliance would have some sort of order and law soon, she was yearning for it. She had left Tendou at home to grief the loss of Phoebe, and only the moon knew where her king, Karma, was. He would probably be zipping around to every wolf in the place, showing off his looks, and trying to seduce the other ladies. Mazlenitsa rolled her white eyes at the thought of the childish, GROWN, wolf. His impulsiveness was bound to get him in trouble somewhere by sometimes. 

          Mazlenitsa had chosen to ally with the GRA, as she wasn't sure how it would be completely controlled. Without order, she thinks, it would end, or start, with bloodshed and bad feelings. Maybe in the future, if the alliance would benefit her, she would join, but as of now, she doesn't want more enemies. She shook her multi-color pelt and watched some more. She found other wolves quite interesting. She quite liked how different everyone was, but she wasn't keen to show it. She licked her marbled nose and stood. She was done with all of the people. She trotted over to a higher bit of land and stood in the shadows of the tree line, where the figures of wolves were dancing around against the moonlight. 

xena | recessive breeder

Posted 2020-10-18 11:57:21 (edited)


     Skirting around the pool of wolves still mingling and sniffing and shuffling around, Starfall's nose twitched against a chilly breeze. Whirling around in its blustering, twirling tendrils blew in the scent of another wolf, alone and distant from the others. Her golden eyes shifted around in the darkness, and she kept her nose to the air as she padded along up a small rise. She slowed her pace as the wolf's scent became suddenly stronger. Closer. Not wanting to intrude anyone's space or, worse yet, give anyone a tiny fright, Starfall let out a whistling and soft whine to announce herself.
     When at last she caught sight of the she-wolf, alone in the shadows, Starfall kept her distance. She stood several wolflengths away, wagging her big tail around. She tried to restrain her nervous excitement, continuing to remind herself to respect everyone's space. Much as she wanted to run up and partake in zoomies, what Starfall wanted most was to make a good first impression.
     "Well met," Starfall said with a subdued smile, careful not to show too much of her fangs. "I take it you're here to see what the Alliance is all about?" She sat down where she was, the tip of her tail just barely wagging behind her. It made the dead leaves she was sitting on rustle around, and Starfall cleared her throat and steadied herself. "I'm Starfall," she said, dipping her head down with a polite bow. "Starfall of Brightstar Clan. And who might you be?"

LM 💖✌🌠

Posted 2020-10-18 12:22:02 (edited)


Mazlenitsa Akabane | Queen/Leader | The Akabane Family | Location: Alliance gathering | Mentions: Starfall

          Mazlenitsa raised herself at the sound of a small whine, and let out a raspy bark in response. She looked the wolf up and down, then took her seat again. The wolf reminded her of her king, quite enthusiastic indeed. The queen nodded her head respectively as the other wolf sat down.
  "Well met indeed...Mazlenitsa", her words dragged slightly, kind of like a snake, "...queen of the Akabane Family"
Mazlenitsa's white eyes glistened against the moonlight. The moon was full tonight. 'convenient', she laughed to herself, eyeing up the moon. She turned her white gaze back on to the honey and white fae in front of her. 
  "My scouts have seen your pack in the deciduous forest. Apparently a lovely run-in with them."
Mazlenitsa tried to start up a conversation but didn't like small-talk. She preferred more in-depth conversations, but what the heck was she supposed to say?
   "And, to answer your question: yes, I am curious about this Great River Alliance. It could prove useful."
Just then, she hardened her stare towards a wolf who was hurdling itself towards the two. She sighed as her king approached the two

Karma Akabane | King | The Akabane Family | Location: Alliance gathering | Mentions: Starfall, Mazlenitsa

            Karma had failed to seduce any of the faes at the alliance and took it into his own paws to find his queen, at least she would love him more than these other wolves. He sniffed in and out of the feet of wolves, nose nearly smashed against the ground, searching for Itsa. He finally caught track of her and nearly crashed through multiple wolves as his feet carried his body clumsily weaving in and out of the crowd. He caught sight of his queen.... with another wolf? He sped up and nearly tripped multiple times climbing the heightened land. When he had gotten to a flatter grounds, he hurdled himself towards Mazlenitsa and licked her senselessly. 
            Karma then turned his attention towards the new wolf.
   "Who are you?", he asked cautiously
Before he even heard an answer, he lurched toward the fae. But instead of crashing into her, he ran around her in circles, barking aimlessly with his eyes closed. 
   "Friendly, crazy, wolf patrol. Oww Oww AWOO", he barked, pretending he was some kind of heroic one-man patrol.
He sat down next to Itsa, finally and spoke again, but more calmly. 
   "Wel met! Karma Akabane of the Akabane family", he beamed, "Also quite the finest stud and father", he added unnecessarily. 

xena | recessive breeder

Posted 2020-10-18 13:20:39 (edited)

Solo post. Open for interactions!

Moonlight shined among the four tribal wolves as they made their way towards the Great River Rock, about to attend their first ever seasonal meeting. Maple Leaf turns her gaze towards the dark green grass of the forest floor, visibly scared as she starts to hear the howls and barks from other wolves. Spirit, noticing this behavior, turns to Maple with a serious glare in her eyes. "Maple Leaf, we are almost at the rock and as your Spirit's Chosen, I want you to interact with more than just your close friends. This is a good chance to make allies and I want you to use this time wisely." "But what if they find me weird? Or strange? What if-" Maple Leaf was quickly cut off from Spirit's harsh bark. "Silence! Tribal law forbids you from talking back to the Spirit's Chosen. If this happens again, you will be severely punished." "...yes ma'am" Maple Leaf whimper, her frighten gaze turned back towards the ground as the four wolves finally make it.

As Pineleaf and Spirit go off to find allies, Autumn stays behind for a bit. "Hey Maple...ignore what Spirit said. I know tribal law and all that but I'm sure I can convince her not to punish you if you choose not to interact. Take your time." Autumn smiles before walking off to join the herd of wolves.

♡ CyberFox ♡

Posted 2020-10-19 16:15:14 (edited)


     Starfall found herself entranced by the she-wolf's voice. Much as she wouldn't admit it, Mazlenitsa's slithering words slipped into one flicking, furry ear and out the other. The space between her talking and Starfall listening was filled with an itchy kind of silence. Fortunately for Starfall, however, a new wolf had come barreling nose-over-toes to the both of them. She watched the new guy with wide and wondering eyes, and the tip of her tail started to vibrate while she watched him greet Mazlenitsa. The he had looked over at Starfall and spoken to her.
     Before she had time to answer he was darting around her, and Starfall's whole pelt started to burn with energy. But then she remembered: first impressions. Her forepaws twitched and her claws dug into the dirt, but somehow she managed to stay planted on her haunches. Her golden gaze flicked over to the other she-wolf, and Starfall tried to sit up a little straighter.
     "Karma, is it?" Starfall finally said, watching him carefully. "I'll be sure to spread the good word in my clan! Although," Starfall snickered through her nose, "I suspect you may have already! Regardless... Might I ask from where you two hail? Forgive me being so bold, but...your pelts...your're both just...stunning!" Starfall couldn't hold it in anymore. Her fur bristling with excitement, she sprung up onto all fours and then bowed down, her big tail high and fluffy and wagging in the air.



     Bircheye's travel-weary paws stepped along the outside of the thick tangle of wolves gathered around near the river. He padded up to the shore to lap at the crisp and cool water. As he picked his head up to look around, he licked the water from his dripping chops, and he sneezed. He shook out his pelt and then, quite suddenly, he spotted a she-wolf all alone, and perhaps looking a bit unsure of herself. Bircheye couldn't be sure until he spoke with her, if he spoke with her, but his observant nature had done him plenty good so far.
     Just earlier, before the gathering, Starfall had encouraged Bircheye to...converse. But Bircheye had never been one for talking. Yet... Seeing Starfall's excitement over the prospect of making new friends was admittedly contagious, even if he didn't feel the exact same way. He drew in a deep breath, and then he sighed it all back out. New friends. As if Bircheye needed any friends, let alone new ones. Still, his green eyes hadn't left the lonesome she-wolf yet. And, realizing this, he awkwardly shifted his sight around before finally, begrudgingly, he bridged the gap between them.
     "Bircheye," he said as he stepped up to her. He stopped. He gulped, and he briskly shook his pelt out. "My name, I mean... Um..." Bircheye grimaced down at his paws, and he scratched in the dirt a bit. He fought the urge to spat a curse, and then he looked back up at her. "You... You're alone... Why?" No, Bircheye wasn't the best wolf to navigate a conversation, but at the very least...he was trying.

LM 💖✌🌠

Posted 2020-10-19 20:50:16 (edited)

Spirit :||: Spirit's Chosen :||: The Spirit's Howl Tribe :||: Alliance Gathering

Open for interactions!

Autumn :||: Chief's Chosen :||: The Spirit's Howl Tribe :||: Alliance Gathering

Open for interactions!

Maple Leaf :||: HealingLeaf :||: The Spirit's Howl Tribe :||: Alliance Gathering :||: Tags: Bircheye [#4166]

Maple Leaf jumps a bit as her gaze suddenly turns from the massive crowd of wolves to the birch colored wolf, her blue eyes meeting his. Her oroide fur stood up a bit, her earlier fears starting to kick in, and the cold winds of winter wasn’t helping her either. Remembering Spirit's words from earlier, she took a small breath in an attempt to keep her fears at bay and responses to the other wolf's question, not wanting to risk punishment. "I uh...don’t like big c-crowds. They uh...scare me" She quietly answers, her muscles slightly tensing up as she speaks.

After a few moments of awkward and dead silence, Maple speaks up again. " what about yourself? Why are you a-alone?" Maple once again says quietly in an attempt to continue the conversation. Maybe this birch colored wolf will be her future friend? Only time will tell.

Pineleaf :||: SharpTooth :||: The Spirit's Howl Tribe :||: Alliance Gathering

Open for interactions!

♡ CyberFox ♡

Posted 2020-11-04 11:55:50 (edited)

>> Mazlenitsa | Female | Queen <<

> @Laura-Mae#4166 <

Mazlenitsa groomed herself while Karma did his spiel. 'So much for first impressions, Karma', she said as if he could hear the queen in her thoughts. Just then, he calmed down and took his place, cautioning and questioning Starfall. Mazlenita laughed to herself as she noticed the fae before her start to twitch and vibrate and show all kinds of indicators of how much she wanted to run around. 

"Hm. You ask where we hail, and I say the Taiga", she says with slithering words, "We've camped not only here, but in the Grasslands and Riparian Woodlands as well."

The queen smiled as the wolf in front of her jumped to her paws and showed a playful stance. 'There she is', she thought. She nodded to Karma and decided to continue grooming herself before addressing Starfall once more. 

"I thought you would never show the real you... the real Starfall. While yes, first impressions are of the utmost importance, don't hide who you are as a person. Personally, I hate myself a wolf who doesn't act on who they actually are, no matter the paws, claws, or talons they come along to meet on their path of life."

Mazlenitsa smiled shortly before grooming herself once again.

[I'll post Karma's response in a bit, I'm kinda busy ^-^]

xena | recessive breeder

Posted 2020-11-09 22:03:41

@#4905 - (Bircheye, Maple Leaf)

     Bircheye listened attentively as the she-wolf spoke. Though he was sitting and slouched away from her, his ears were pricked up and pointed towards her. He even caught himself nodding along, but tried to hide his clear interest. His green eyes shifted away and he scrunched his eyebrows down. But when she asked him a direct question, he sat up with a subdued start.
   "Uh, me?" Bircheye stammered. "I...well..." His tired eyes scanned the nearby wolves, all socializing and having what looked to be a great time. Although Bircheye wouldn't have agreed with the majority of them.
     "I'm kinda a loner," he said gruffly, his dull gaze still transfixed to the crowd. "But... That never really got me far. Bein' alone out there..." He shook his head, letting this sentiment fall silent. "Anyway," he said, giving his pelt a brisk shake, "guess that's what this...gathering is all about. For us to...get to know each other." Bircheye caught a bit too late just how disdainful his tone may have sounded. He quickly changed the subject.
     "So...what do you do for your pack, anyway? I'm guessin' talkin' ain't a big part of the job," he just barely smirked, but he looked down at his paws to try and hide it.

@#914 - (Starfall, Mazlenitsa)
(( Take all the time ya need!~ I'll go ahead and respond to Mazlenitsa's part! ;u; ))

     Starfall found herself once again staring at Mazlenitsa in awe, her yellow eyes wide and glimmering. This time around she took every word to heart. Her tail continued to wag, and she spoke through an excited whine.
     "You're!" She couldn't think of a better word to explain her newfound admiration for her. "I'm so very glad you decided to stop in!" Despite her high-pitched, excited tone, somehow Starfall had managed to calm herself. She sat back down on her haunches and did her best to make her tail stay still.
     "I believe it would be foolish for me not to ask... Have you any thoughts on the Alliance? Perhaps some advice to share? Wisdom to impart?" Starfall put on a smirk, but it shifted easily into a weak smile at a newfound pang in her chest. Remembering Mazlenitsa's words from mere moments ago, she pushed on. "Now that we're all here," Starfall said softly, "I... Sometimes I wonder if this will all turn out for the best, or..." She paused to swallow down the knot tying together in her throat. As she took in a deep, steadying breath, the winter chill filled her lungs. She puffed it all out in a fog, then she snickered over at Mazlenitsa.
     "You'll have to pardon me," she said warmly, "this is new. I... I'm sure you've been there before," she 

(( Sorry for the short-ish replies! TT0TT I'm a little out of practice -- gotta brush the dust off the ol' writing fingies lol ))

LM 💖✌🌠

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