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Mistral Luna Pack Lore

Mistral Luna Pack Lore
Posted 2021-05-29 17:23:30 (edited)

Mistral Luna Pack Lore

Alpha: Luna

This is the lore for the Mistral Luna Pack! Please do not post.

Want to howl something about the lore? Well, go here to talk, ask questions, or do anything related to the lore!

Currently, not all up-to-date lore has been written!


Posted 2021-05-29 17:35:43 (edited)






Aurora (F)

Goldenrod (M)

Nightshade (M)


Ziva (F)


Acorn (M)


Lobo (M)

Ranger (M)

Sol (M)

Adolescents & Pups

Apricot (M)

Accalia (F)

Almi (M)

Temovles (Vistors)

Meni (F)

Snow (F)

Sterling Wolf (F)

Onyx Wolf (F)

Rust Wolf (M)

Oroide Wolf (M)

Selene (F)

Misti (F)

Yaxi (M)

Melanism Carrier (M)

8 Unnamed Pups


Posted 2021-05-30 05:35:27

The War of Severance

The sounds of shouting and thundering pawsteps awoke Luna from her slumber. Dazed, Luna sat up, confused as to why the normally full den was empty. She quickly stood up and padded towards the den and peered around the corner, blinking the sleep from her eyes. The clearing was in chaos. There was masses of wolves darting about, unsure what was happening and where to go. There was a steady stream of wolves sprinting through the entrance of camp, all trying to get out at the same time. 

Luna stumbled as a wolf bumped into her shoulder, taking a minute to steady herself, then glancing up. A tall male wolf was standing next to her, looking at her apologetically. She instantly recognized him as Lemion, a scout. 

"I'm so sorry! Are you okay, Luna?" He cried.

She nodded, then replied, "I'm okay, but what is happening?"

Lemion growled, swishing his tail behind him. "The Crescent Moon Pack is attacking! They've declared war."

"I thought they promised not to!"

"Well, they're liars! They've broken that and now Nutmeg is leading everyone to meet them in battle at Torn Rocks."

"Is that where you're heading?" Luna brushed her head against his chest, avoiding looking him in the eyes.

Lemion's voice softened. "You know I have to. Any wolves that are eligible to fight must go."

"I should come with you. That way you'll be safe," Luna protested. He nosed her gently.

"You know that you can't. Wolves under a year old have to stay behind. Besides, whose going to protect the nursery?" He tilted his head, staring straight into her eyes.

"But what about you? You're only 11 months old," She challenged.

Lemion sighed, rolling his eyes. "I'm the heir. They made an exception for me. Even if I didn't want to go, Nutmeg would still make me."

"But-" Luna started to protest. 

"No buts!" Lemion's gaze hardened. "You have to stay behind. I'll be fine. As the heir, it's our wolves' job to protect me." He turned away, trotting slowly towards the entrance before breaking into a run. The clearing was almost empty as most of the wolves on the attacking patrol had left. Luna gazed after him. I don't know what I'd do if you got hurt. You're my closest friend. If I lost you... what would happen to me?

The gray and white she wolf shifted, her hazel eyes trained on the entrance.

Then she made her decision.

Luna quickly scanned the clearing, checking that no one was watching. She ducked under the branches of the two oak trees that were standing on each side of the path leading into the forest and set off at a brisk pace. Unbeknownst to her, a mixed gray wolf, hidden in the shadows, watched her with cold, unblinking, ice blue eyes. It slid away into the forest, becoming lost in the sea of trees. 

As Luna approached Torn Rocks, howls and shrieks filled her ears. She sprinted to the top of the hill, gazing down at the field below, filled with battling wolves. Every where she looked, a wolf was locked in combat. Two wolves circled each other, staring down their opponent, waiting for the other to make a move. One of the wolves darted at the other wolf, snarling. They both went down in the grass, snapping at each other with their long teeth. At the far side of the field, two wolves were closing in on a young wolf that had barely just become a grown wolf and was now backed up against a boulder.

Luna gasped, taking a step forward. She landed funky on her paw, making her gasp once again as she tripped, rolling down the hill. Luna flailed her paws uselessly as she tumbled down, coming to a sudden stop as she rammed into a bundle of fur. She rolled to her paws, gritting her teeth as she tried to stand, pain shooting through her paw.

The pale male wolf she had run into turned, lips curled back in a snarl, drool dripping from his teeth. Luna gulped, ears and tail down as she crouched, with a sprained paw, facing her first battle. The wolf slammed into her, teeth sinking into her shoulder as he pinned her down. She shrieked in pain as she felt something crack between his teeth, writhing in agony. 

Oh, why did I come here?  She thought miserably. I'm untrained and too young to be in this battle! I'm going to die, without even seeing Lemion again... 

As if her thoughts had summoned him, Lemion came flying out of no where, knocking the wolf away from Luna. He snarled at the wolf, swiping hard at his face. The wolf flinched from the blow, growling as he backed off, before darting away. Lemion turned back to Luna, anger smoldering in his gaze.

"What are you doing here?" He spat. She opened her jaws to answer, but searing pain stopped her. She howled in pain as a fresh wave of agony flooded through her shoulder. Lemion's gaze immediately switched to concern.

"Luna-" His words were cut short as a brown wolf barreled him over, taking him by surprise. Lemion! Lemion struggled against the bigger wolf, barking and clawing. A mixed gray wolf appeared out of the crowd, yanking the brown wolf's tail. As the wolf turned, it was just in time to receive a bite to the ear. The gray wolf drove his opponent away, standing over Lemion. 

That's Lemion's brother, Talmic! Luna gaped.

"Thanks brother," Lemion sighed with relief. "Could you move so I can get up?" Talmic didn't move. "Talmic?" He blinked confusedly at him.

"Do you know how long I've waited for this moment?" Talmic growled.

"What are you talking about?"

"Are you seriously playing dumb? Just look at you! You've always been father's favorite." His voice started to rise. "He picked you as the heir! Everyone loves you! I thought at least mother was on my side, but all along she was on yours!" Talmic dug his claws into Lemion's shoulders. "I should be alpha!" He suddenly grinned. "And I wonder what'll happen when the heir suddenly goes missing?"

No. Luna watched, frozen, as the horrific scene happened before her. She could barely move. Time seemed to slow down as Talmic opened his jaws, leaning in to deliver the killing bite. Luna summoned all her strength, time speeding up again as she threw herself at him. She scratched feebly at him, trying to get him off Lemion. Talmic growled, shoving her away with his leg.

She was sent skidding across the ground, until a second later there was nothing except crisp air. I've fallen off the cliff!  The horrible realization struck her. Luna howled as she plummeted several yards in the air towards certain doom. 

"Luna!" Lemion screeched, his horrified face leaning over the edge of the cliff.

No! This isn't fair! Of all those thoughts... Of all those possibilities... I never considered that I'd be the one to die!

Her mind flashed back, into a memory from not to long ago.

Luna sat beneath a cherry blossom tree, watching the pink petals swirl around before resting in the grass. Lemion slipped between the bushes, then circled around her. Luna stood up, letting out a small whine as she cuddled against his chest. 

"Thanks for meeting me here," He whispered softly. 

"I'll always come when you call," Luna murmured. "What was it you wanted to tell me?"

Lemion pulled away, leaving Luna cold as the wind whipped through her fur. "I wanted to ask you something. Luna, we've known each other since we were pups. You've always been there for me when I needed it most." He paused. "So... I was wondering... When we're older, do you think we can be mates?"

Luna stared at him for a couple seconds before she broke out in a smile, eyes twinkling. "Yes, of course I will!" She hugged him, tears streaming down her face. Lemion hugged her back and Luna could hear him crying as well. 

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

"Thank you...!

"Thank you..."

"Thank... you..."

The world came crashing back down as Luna stared blankly at the sky.

We were going to be mates.

And then darkness envolped her for the last time.


Posted 2021-05-30 07:23:13 (edited)


Due to falling off a cliff, Luna lost her memory. When she woke up, she landed in the care of Tala. Tala taught her how to survive and how to create a pack. The Mistral Luna Pack was born. Luna found a mate and had two pups, Accalia and Apricot. A lot of wolves joined, some from other packs, and the pack has slowly grown.

- Aurora and Ziva both became nurshi and then had 4 pups.

- The pack opened up a den for temolves

- Accalia and Apricot have become an increasing problem lately, lazing about and pulling pranks

- Mistral Luna Pack has made an alliance with Star Trek Pack and Silverstreak Dawn Pack

Wolves often go to the Deciduous Forest to meet up with other packs and converse with each other, sometimes sending gifts as well.

- One of Aurora's puppies was killed

- Luna has become more reckless and ambitious


Posted 2021-05-30 07:25:13

Mistral Luna Pack Language


Wolves that are visitors, often puppies that stay with the pack until they are one year old, and then chased.


She wolves that are pregnant or nursing pups


Posted 2021-05-30 11:26:57

A Young Life

Luna padded between the trees, enjoying the sunshine. The forest was tranquil, birds chirping softly and squirrels skittering across the forest floor, searching for acorns. Suddenly, a yowl shattered the peaceful morning air. Luna's fur bushed up, startled by the sound. She sprinted towards the source of the sound. What's wrong? Is a wolf in trouble?

Luna arrived just in time to see Yuri, one of Aurora's pups, cowering fear as a large, bull elk reared on its hind legs, legs waving wildly as it prepared to crash down on the innocent pup. Luna shot forward, but she knew she was too late. There was no way she would get there in time.

All of the sudden, Aurora appeared. With a howl, she charged at the elk just as it came down on Yuri, trampling him. The black wolf tore into the bull elk's shoulder, sinking all her claws in. Her mother's instinct had taken over and there was no stopping her. Aurora ferociously snapped at the elk, writhing and twisting away so the elk couldn't reach her with its long antlers. The bull elk shook and desperately tried to throw her off. Luna rushed to help, but there was no need. The elk crumpled to the ground, dead.

Aurora barely looked at her prey and hurriedly ran to her pup's side, gently nosing him. "Yuri, it's ok now," She breathed. "You're safe." The pup didn't respond. Luna felt a lump rise in her throat as Aurora attempted to rouse her pup. There was a long gash leading from the pup's throat to its hind leg. Yuri's eyes were closed, refusing to open. 

A cream darker wolf slid from the trees with a bundle of herbs in his mouth. He froze for a minute, startled by the scene before him, before bending down to sniff at Yuri. Aurora raised her head, eyes questioning.

The wolf shook his head slowly. Aurora let out a long mournful howl. Luna closed her eyes and turned away. This loss would shake the whole pack to its roots. It was the first death the pack had experienced.


Posted 2021-06-04 05:53:31

Brewing Trouble

Luna was padding through the clearing, checking on all her wolves. Her ears flicked up as she heard an enraged howl. She turned just in time to see Lobo shoot out of the nursery, covered with ticks. Lobo leaped into the pond near the Alpha's Den, rolling in it to get the ticks off. 

What...? She glanced back as she heard giggling. Accalia and Apricot high-fived each other, the giggle turning into a laugh. Those two again? That's two pranks in three days! Luna stalked over to them, standing menacingly over them. As her shadow cast down on them, they stopped laughing and stared up at her.

"What in all of the forest are you doing!?" Luna snapped. Accalia and Apricot glanced at each other.

"We're just playing some pranks. They're harmless," Accalia responded.

"Harmless? That last prank could've given Lobo an infection!" Luna spat.

Accalia rolled her eyes. "But it didn't! He's perfectly fine."

"I'm completely not fine!" A voice called.

"Whatever. Geez, Mom, They're just pranks."

"Sooner or later you'll realize that your pranks are going to get someone hurt, or worse!" Luna yowled. "But by then, it'll be too late." She stormed away, tail swaying angrily. Accalia rolled her eyes and whispered something to Apricot.


Posted 2021-06-04 06:03:00


- Meni gave birth to three pups and argued to let her and her pups stay. The pack let her stay a little longer.

- The pack was gifted a pup from the Silverstreak Dawn pack.

- The pack continues to let temolves stay and then chase them after they've grown up.

- Accalia and Acorn have become adults, but haven't changed their behavior.


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