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Art Price Check!

Art Price Check!
Posted 2021-05-29 13:23:21

Stuff I want to offer here!

Hi! I want to open an art shop for headshots and busts, but while trying to figure out my own prices I felt like I was really underselling myself. My usual prices for busts/headshots in USD starts at 7-10, but I don't want to make people turn up their nose at my prices being too high. Buuut I think the equivalent in SC/GC I came up with is closer to 1-3 dollars for a headshot/bust and that's way too low.

(If someone knows the actual conversion rate of USD to GC, I'd appreciate it. I tried to do the math myself but I'm horrible with it.)

Since I don't plan to always have SC and GC commissions open, I might bump them down in price, but I still don't want to go too low. Does anyone have suggestions?


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