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Help Picking New Lead/Breeding Male

Help Picking New Lead/Breeding Male
Posted 2021-05-25 10:59:53 (edited)

(I'm on mobile, sorry for typos/layout in advance! I'll fix it when I get the chance later.)

As the title says, I'm looking for help picking my new Lead/Breeding Male. I know they don't have to be the same, but this time I want them to be, just for a lot of reasons.

Theoretically, I can have one be leader and one as breeding male, depending on votes, I just. Really mostly want a male leader, and breeding male, at this point, tbh

I have three wolves to pick from: all NIB, and with okay-ish stats I can definitely work with. But, since they're going to be a breeding male, and I'll be spending GB either way, I want to see other people's opinions of what's worth it!

They all have their pros and cons that I'll list out, along with everyone's votes.

The first is Blaze.

Pros: She's a T2 already, and I think she's kind of pretty. I can earn the GC to RMA or get specific markings for her if need be. (Also I think her "sociable" personality fits for at least a breeding male)

Cons: I will have to sex-change her. Not exactly "end of the world", since I have the GC, but I want to make sure she's worth it

Total: 5

Next is her sister, Briar.

Pros: Basically the same as Blaze's, with the extra bonus of being a breed-only base. When I checked to see how many Blonde breeding males there were, there didn't seem to be many, so, that's a plus?

Cons: Once again, same as Blaze. Sex-change, maybe adding markings. Her stats are also the lowest of the three, but, once again, can be raised pretty easily, I think.

Total: 1

Finally,  we have Dust

Pros: He is the only male of his litter, and has the highest stats, so that would be less work in both those areas. I feel like he's more for those who like natural looks!

Cons:  He's the only T1, so he would need to be base-changed, probably to Chert or Siquoq to keep with the look. Idk about markings.

Total: 1

Feel free to vote, and leave your opinions!


Posted 2021-05-25 19:18:52

Blaze would be my vote. Rust is a really pretty base and goes well with their markings.

Ordinarily I'd suggest holding out for someone with higher base stats (at least 400), but since they're rare heritage Gen 2 wolves it may not matter as much. Also the stat difference between the siblings is pretty negligible, I wouldn't worry about that.


Posted 2021-05-25 19:21:55 (edited)

Thanks! Normally I would wait til their stats are higher, but my current alpha is over 6 and and half, so I'm kind of pressed for time. >.< I didn't even realize it til earlier today!

Edit: Vote counted


Posted 2021-05-25 19:32:28 (edited)

nice woofs! i like how different they look despite being siblings. my order of preference is blaze -> briar -> dust. definitely one of the girls though, i think dust is super cute but i wouldn't want his gray marks on a bunch of pups. he'd be wonderful in a pairbond with another natural coloured wolf.

edit; plus...a base changer is 10gc while a sex changer is 3gc lol

eve [semi-hiatus]

Posted 2021-05-25 19:34:06

In appearance-wise, i think Blaze would be the way to go

Icy LivyiWood

Posted 2021-05-25 19:37:06 (edited)

Thank you! Tbh the girls were always my main two choices, but I know some people prefer natural looks, so thought it couldn't hurt to include Dust!

For some reason, I thought they were the same price, so thank you for pointing that out!

Vote counted!

Edit: Counting Oxblood's vote as well!


Posted 2021-05-27 20:53:44

My Votes for Dust, he's a handsome boy and has a high total.


Posted 2021-05-28 06:34:30

Alright Azalie, counting your vote!


Posted 2021-05-30 16:14:10

They are all gen 2 so equal on that. The stats are so close I wouldn't even consider them. 

The 2 girls both have black inuit unders so they each have 1 RMA/breed only mark. The boy has none. 

The girls both already have T2 bases, but Briar's is breed only. 

I'd go with either of the girls. I think it depends too on what some of your favorite bases and color groups are. I personally love muted color group so I  vote for Briar, but if you like warm medium bases Blaze would be a good choice. 

Snowcat13 🌞

Posted 2021-06-14 06:30:58

(sorry for the late answer, life got in the way!)

Thank you Snowcat! I do have a favorite/preference, I think, but I also didn't want to put them as breeding male and nobody want them? Especially since I haven't kept track with what people like or not! ^^;

Your vote has been counted!


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