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Bleg of Rustby

Bleg of Rustby
Posted 2021-05-11 16:02:30 (edited)

Meh. I thought I'd place all my wolvden notes and goals and gibberish in one thread.

~Forever Editing & Always a Mess~

Table of Contents and Stuff

  • Notes
  • Main goals
  • Side goals
  • Records
  • Lore
  • Blah


Posted 2021-05-16 10:21:28 (edited)

My Notes Below

Energy - It takes 7.5 mins to get 10% for leads and 5% for pack mates.

I need 6,175sc to get to pack slot 30 from 20 x___x

Wardrobe Designs By Me






Posted 2021-05-16 10:21:44 (edited)

Main goals go here

I don't care about any of my wolves I have atm. They are just fillers. I don't have a plan but it'll come to me eventually and I'll replace them all.

I want to farm the fox base. But I also don't want that to take years. We'll see.


Posted 2021-05-16 10:21:57 (edited)
Empty box :3


Posted 2021-05-16 10:22:13 (edited)

Pack records go here

Stuff like who enters the pack, where they came from. And also those I chase, as well as the date and time when chased. If anyone finds a wolf I chase, let it be known where they came from. Likely born and raised in my pack.

Maybe I can do a fam tree here too when I remake my pack or keep track of stat gains through the generations. Idk


Posted 2021-05-16 10:22:24 (edited)
Lore. So many words.

Lore goes here

  • Named after the Loblolly Pine tree.
  • Tribal pack, loosely inspired by "Asmundr".
  • Den banners and pack tribal paint art coming maybe soon.
  • Three names per wolf, first name is the given name, middle is inherited paternally, and last is inherited maternally.
  • One day my den page will be schmancy... :'D
  • Coming up with cool names is taking a bit.

Story Time/Lore

Through The Eyes Of A False King

(chapter title may not make since but it will eventually)

(Rewritten with the epic help of Keld!)

  • Brisk winds howled as it embraced the rough-hewn mountain side bearing with it the aroma of spruce and fir. A voice, soft and sorrowful in tone reflected, "It is said that our tribe has been living on these mountains since it's founding..." Precisely as you turned, startled to find a wolf had already advanced to stand at your side, their strides concealed by the whistling of the breeze. "Generations past tallying have lived among these peaks... But..." He delayed, his icy eyes glanced askance at the gentle rustling leaves overhead, lost in suspicious thought if only for a moment. "Have you ever thought about it? Our name? Our symbol?" His eyes abruptly flicked to target yours, voice turned stern and stone cold, he mutters while leaning in slightly, "There are no loblolly pines on these mountains. Never had any. So then, where did we come from?"
  • [ Pm me what chu think? :O ]
  • BEEN BUSY CUZ IRL I hope to continue this soon D: also the character with icy eyes here isnt Iori

The Move To Harsher Lands

  • [ Lil story of why we moved from Mountains to Glacier instead of moving south where loblolly trees are found. I need some kind of negative event(s) or conflict(s) but I can't decide.... ]

[1] Tribunal Lodging Manage

[2] Hill Fort Barracks Manage

[3] Residents Longhouse Manage

[4] Shamans Cottage Manage

[5] Banished Vagabonds

Tribe Infotainment & Traditions

The leader of this pack is called the Jarl but they are more like a decoy for the real leader which can be any one wolf regardless of role, gender, or even age. Though false, they are still part of the Tribunal or council but only for appearances, they have no say in the tribes decisions.
The real leader, whoever they may be, does have influence in the council. Probably slightly more than the other tribunal members. Everyone in the pack knows who the real Jarl is but if asked or questioned by an outsider they are expected to say whoever the decoy is. Hence, ya know, decoy.
The Fostra or pupsitters are normally the oldest male and female. There can only be two total Fostra. They are also part of the Tribunal.
Next we have the Gera, or herbalist. The Gera is also part of the Tribunal. It's customary for Gera to be the opposite gender of the Jarl to help even out the gender ratio of the tribe.
After that there's the Huskarls or scouts. Not only do these two scout and patrol but they also act as messengers as well as negotiators for treaties and such to nearby packs. They are also part of the Tribunal. There can only be one male and one female scout, never two males or two females.
Under the above we have the Ulfsarks or hunters. There's two teams making a total of 10 wolves in this rank, 5 males and 5 females. These wolves are not part of the Tribunal.
Pups and Adols don't have roles, they are commonly seen playing around the village or helping their parents with tasks inside the village walls. They aren't allowed to leave the village without the company of an adult. Also not part of the Tribunal.
Breeding season is close enough to winter's end in time for pups to be born in Spring. Only two pups will be kept. A steady yearly litter or two is to ensure the tribe doesn't grow or decline, just enough to replace fallen wolves. Inbreeding is avoided if possible. Only males of 6 years of age can be breeding males.
Every autumn season is our tribe's annual festival. I thought a festival tradition would be fun but I need more time to think about what it's for and how it'll work.

New 💡
The Loblolly Tribe used to be one big tribe founded in the Glacier region. The original two founders are from the south where loblolly pine trees are native. They brought a single sapling with them to the north where they planted it on a cliff overlooking the sea and grew their tribe. The loblolly tree of the north, a symbol anything and grow here. After many years and generations a conflict of territory with other packs over lack of food and the falling of the loblolly has shattered the pack. As the tree fell over the cliff due to glacial melting and into icy waters whats left of the pack flees south to the mountains to escape the other packs at war. Many more generations pass and their past forgotten.

Iori's ancestors were survivors of the day the rest of the pack fled, unknown to them. The mountain pack would soon find themselves back in the glaciers of their long lost home.


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