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Planning for a Hybrid WIP

Planning for a Hybrid WIP
Posted 2020-10-12 17:33:43 (edited)

Welcome to Hybrid Planning!

Please do not post yet I am working on the thread.

As you may know hybrids are only a concept. Hybrids are currently not in Wolvden but there has been talk that Hybrids will be a thing in Wolvden though no date/time has been mentioned for a release date as the game is still very new. You can use this thread to talk about how you plan to go about breeding a hybrid yourself or when hybrids are out post how you got yours or new hybrid babies.

Please note nothing I say here is fact and is just speculation. Once more information is released this will be updated with factual information.

Here I will post updates on things I find useful as well as things I think maybe helpful to fellow breeders. Just note if you want to breed hybrids in the future it can get expensive and tasking. I assume that it will be quite difficult as it will likely be a Random mutation chance.

A Random mutation is a Mutation that will occur Randomly when breeding. This is Similar to how you get Lethal mutations in this game.

To increase Radom mutation chase the best ways are:

1.) Lower a Wolves Fertility off a Wolf to 1% - This makes them harder to breed but lower Fertility higher mutation chance. Note: If a item is released that allows you to breed 1%s First Try it will be easier.

2.) Use Mutation Items - These are currently not in game. When using a item that increases mutation chance these will increase Random mutation chance only. This will Effect Things like Lethals and assumed Hybrids.

Well if hybrids are not yet in game what is this thread for?

Glad you asked! This thread is my way of planning for hybrids when they come out and you all can do the same! I just want to be as ready as I possibly can when the time comes.

Well how can you prepare for a hybrid that does not exsist?

You can stock up on currency and items. Anyone who has played the sister-site Lioden knows you need some things to breed a hybrid for max profit these are: 

1.) Something to maximize litter size. [Black, Blue, or White Sage]

2.) Something that can reduce breeding cool down time. [Not in Game]

3.) [Optional] Something that give a boost to random mutation chance. [Not in Game]

4.)[Optional] Something that allows you to breed VLFs first try. [Not in Game]

5.) [Optional] Something that gurentees Certin traits be passed down to pups. [Not in Game]

Why should I prepare for hybrids now?

Well you are only allowed 1 account per person so unless you have someone you trust, and I mean really trust not to roll over their account and hold your hybrid you will need to prepare.

The only other way outside of the above would be to lose out on playing future events etc as you will only be rolling maybe once per week and if really wanting to keep your hybrid young once per month or less. This is a issue as you will miss out on items and currency you can earn.

With Wolvden having 1 account per person you won't be able to freeze a wolf in time making hybrids more rare. When a hybrid is released if you happen to breed one then you will need a bunch of items and currency to use on them to get max use from said wolf.

This can be the difference in how many heats your hybrid has and how many pups they have. This is huge on trying to breed more hybrids. More Pups = More chances for a hybrid to Roll. So main focus should be sages and when a item that reduces heat cool down maybe grab some. Anything else is extra and will be add ons to breeding your hybrid.

Will there be any other way to get a Hybrid?

Quite possibly. On Lioden the release of Tigon allowed for a boost to be obtained via explore. This boost when applied ups the chance for you to get a hybrid in a breeding so long as you have the boost. This boost could be found more than once during the event, and was applied to your king(Basically your stud). This boost. Was one use per find and it did not matter the litter size it just had the chance to effect 1 cub. The main thing is the lineage of the mother matters in this case, so for a low gen hybrid you should have a low gen monther to use the boost on.

This could be how hybrids are first introduced but even without a boost all the other things stated will likely apply and when the boost if it exists goes away hybrids can still be obtained, it will just be harder.

What if I got more questions on preparing for hybrids?

Well then you can talk with me or others also preparing for what ever they may be on a thread I am currently making. I will do my best to add things as I think of them.


Posted 2020-10-12 17:33:51 (edited)

Welcome to Hybrid Planning!

You can view this section to see what I am planning to do to plan and eventually get my hybrid. I will be following the guide above to work on getting a hybrid once they are out.

My Current Plans:


Posted 2020-10-12 17:33:57

Welcome to Hybrid Planning!

Please do not post yet I am working on the thread.


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