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Monthly and Weekly Pick A Card Divination

Monthly and Weekly Pick A Card Divination
Posted 2021-05-02 14:34:11 (edited)

It is quite simple how this works, for each month and each week I will post a set of 3 cards, the image will show you the backs of the cards and you pick which one is calling to you. Then you will find the cards flipped over so you can see the image along with the reading. 

I may use Tarot, Oracle, or even Runes for these. Eventually, I may be trying my hand with Cartomancy as well, which using playing cards. 

Please feel free to comment and chat about the pulls, divination, whatever!
The question I am asking when pulling the cards is 'What do they  need to know this month/week?'

Divination is not fixed. Situations change depending on outside factors. Please know that the readings given here are what I can divine from a set of input at one point in time. It can easily change and be influenced by your decisions, others' decisions, etc. That being said please take time to think and do not act solely based on what you read here. 

Current Deck

The Good Tarot

Monthly Pull






Card 1:

Star in Reverse - Your life at the moment may be making you feel like you can no longer hold onto the hope that you once had. Things seem overwhelming and out of control. You may just be feeling disconnected from life, the world, others, everything really. Right now you need to take the time to delve into the reasoning behind these feelings and see what it is that you can do to help yourself get back to normal. you are urged to take some time for yourself right now. You can do nothing without yourself.
Card 2:

Transformation - You are at a point where change is on the horizon. Change can be daunting and scary, but it can also be beautiful and inviting. It is a natural part of everyone's life and right now you should celebrate the change that is coming into your life. This transformation that you will be seeing is one that is warm and welcoming to you. It may not turn into what you were expecting or hoping for, but right now it is what you are in need of most. 
Card 3:

Queen of Air - The truth can hurt. It can be a painful and, at times, harmful thing to bear. Right now you have a truth that needs to come to light, you know that this is something that needs to be said or shown. There are many ways you are able to tell this truth, but this is a warning to use your head over your heart when coming out with it. This means that even though your heart may tell you that this will hurt some if your head is telling you it is time to say it, say it.

 Weekly Pull






Card 1:

Fortune's Wheel - The wheel is in constant motion, it does not stop. If you are having a bad time in your life right now you need to remember that all bad things come to an end. The good will always be close behind the bad. Like the wheel do not stop your moving. If you are having a good time in your life this is a warning to prepare for the low, the bad that ceaselessly follows the good. When you reach it know that if you continue to move you will find the good again.
Card 2:

8 of Water -It is time for you to say goodbye to something that is not helping you. You should know what this is, it is obvious that it is hurting rather than helping. You may have put your heart, soul, and being into this thing, but it has not turned out the way that you had hoped. You can not continue to serve that which is not good for you. It may hurt to say goodbye to whatever this is, a job, person, object, way of life. Just know that you will be the better for it.
Card 3:

Queen of Water - It is time for you to stop overthinking things, use your heart and let it help guide you. The mind is powerful and is able to get you far in life, but sometimes you need to take those little voices and shove them in a box so your heart can speak. While it is good to weigh your options and think things through so make the best possible decision you can sometimes that leap of faith can be needed. That is what you need now, stop letting your mind wander and let your heart take the lead. 


Posted 2021-05-09 10:39:07 (edited)

Weekly Pull






Card 1:

Ace of Water - Take time this week to explore your creative side. It would be a wonderful time to begin a new creative project or even to try something new to embrace your creative heart. you could even go back and work on a project that has been sitting and collecting dust for a while, as now you will find you have the creative energy to work on it.

Card 2:

8 of Air - Do you find yourself feeling trapped somehow? Alone and floating on the breeze with no way to stop? This week take the leap that will help you to free yourself. You most likely have an idea of what you need to do, so go ahead and do it. If you are not sure how to free yourself take this week to really dive in and figure it out.

Card 3:

Messenger of Water -  There is a certain beauty in trying something new. This week it is time to try that hobby that you have been thinking of trying but never quite got around to. You will never know if you like it if you do not actively try it. Don't be afraid to fail because even in failure you can find advice. 



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