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πŸ’— Project Kindness πŸ’— [Details Inside]

πŸ’— Project Kindness πŸ’— [Details Inside]
Posted 2021-04-09 09:17:29

I went into wolvden wanting to shake things up, and help people- whether to make them smile, or help them find their dream wolf. I started by breeding melas, and when the market crashed, that didn't stop me. I kept going, wanting to be able to help, putting free GC on the trading center just to make people feel happy, or choosing someone to give stuff to using a random number generator.

And that is what Project Kindness is. Trying to spread the kindness, pass it on to the next person. It can be something small, like sending a dandelion to someone random, or something big, like giving a free art commission, or GC.
People seem to think badly on those of us who have come across great fortune in this game, with vast hoards of GC and SC, but I would like to prove them wrong. We have been given such luck in order to spread it, and make the world better as a whole.

Now, this may seem preachy, and all, but essentially it is just spreading random acts of kindness. You don't have to do much, you don't even have to register to join the project, all you have to do is hold a little bit of kindness in your heart. If you want, you can put pictures of your random acts of kindness in here, to share the happiness of having helped someone.

Now, let's πŸ’—Spread A Little Kindness!πŸ’—


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