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🐊Gator Gang🐊

Posted 2021-01-07 10:30:30

I can totally understand that, had a period of absence myself. Glad to see you're back though :)


Posted 2021-01-23 07:17:46

Yo, I drew my lead with the gator gang chain and thought it would be really cool to see some of you guys draw your own leads with the gator gang chain. Just a thought!


Posted 2021-01-23 10:39:47

Donoma, that's gorgeous!!!  holy smokes!!!

My art pad's at home right now -- i might take a whack at that when I get home tonight :D


Posted 2021-01-23 11:16:53

i would die trying to draw my wolves but love the art work!


Posted 2021-02-08 09:47:39

Hey folks, I'm considering making a custom decor and I'm having trouble deciding what I should make. Should I do...

  1. An animal companion? A snake, a falcon, something like that, that can be applied to any stage and "grows" with the wolf (the puppy stage is an egg, the adolescent stage is an adolescent, etc etc)
  2. Some kind of floral wearable? Like a flower crown or flowers woven into braids in the mane, etc)
  3. An educational set of background items? (I'm an archaeologist by trade and I specialize in the study of food in North America -- I thought it might be neat to make a set of "matching" decor items to represent the native crops of North America! or maybe some pottery from Cahokia Mounds...)

What do y'all think?


Posted 2021-02-08 09:53:52

I always love wearable floral items! I also really love idea #3. It's really unique and cool, and I think you might have less competition than with the florals. I would buy 2 or 3, but idk which would sell better.


Posted 2021-02-08 09:58:04

Haha, maybe I can fold them together? Make a crown of wearable sunflowers to go with all the native North American crops.


Posted 2021-02-08 13:41:04

...okay, I admit it - you totally inspired me, Shade XD I think I'm going to do a native crops of North America set -- specifically Eastern Agricultural Complex. Here's a rough draft on the placement of the various plants! (With a calcite base for reference.) Each plant is made to be able to stand on its own, but also mesh well with any combination of any of the others. The goal is to have the whole set more or less fill the image, creating a whole diorama-like scene! While still, hopefully, leaving enough room that these decors can be applied to any stage. Wdyt?

(yes I promise this is just a rough sketch for getting placements -- this is not what the final draft will look like XD)


Posted 2021-02-08 14:09:28

Ooh I love it! I can see a lot of different uses for this - the taller plants in the back would be good for forest scenes or creating a "den" of sorts. I like the gourds especially - maybe do a cut or broken one among the good ones? The moment  I saw them I was like "!!! Natural bowls! Herbalist could make poultices in those! Bring water to nested or sick wolves!" And I think you've got seeds scattered around the sunflowers, which I love! I can't wait to see what you do with these!


Posted 2021-02-09 17:05:30

so, testing things out - I wanted to start with a smaller decor and maybe build up to a whole set. Thoughts, crits?


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