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Posted 2021-03-27 19:00:35 (edited)

"Draconis Mutation"

Article by Dr. Romaine, the King's head scientist (see pg. 24 for more information on the Doctor)

Published: January 4th, 2073

The world was recently ravaged by strange disease, effecting about 25% of the population. The disease, thought to have been the result of human experimentation, caused the human body to undergo a serious of painful transformations. These changes were often too much for the elderly or the young, which resulted in devastatingly high mortality rates. Though the majority of the population was not effected by this disease, those who caught it and survived were no longer recognizable.

Called the "Draconic Mutation" by scientists, the victims of this disease were left bed-ridden for nearly a year, experiencing different stages of transformation. The first is the discoloration of skin, ranging from all colors on the spectrum. It would start in localized splotches, then spread across the rest of the body. The newly colored skin will sometimes, depending on the patient, also grow scales of similar color, or, on occasion, feathers. 

The second stage is mostly apparent in males, though has been known to effect some females as well, and some do not experience the second stage at all. First the patient will experience a series of migraines, which often renders the patient incapable of moving for long periods of time. Then, two "horns" will begin to grow, usually on the sides of the head, though there have been documented cases of "Unicorn Horns" or even "Rhino Horns". The horn colors range from black to brown to grey, and the shades in between. 

The third stage has been described as the most excruciatingly painful part of the process. The patients organs will begin to shrink and re-order. New organs, called "air-bags" will also begin to grow, similar to a pair of lungs, but larger, lighter, and capable of holding larger amounts of air at a time. The patient will lose large amounts of weight, and their insides also become significantly lighter. This is the most common stage for the patient to pass away, unable to handle the pain.

The fourth stage begins when the third stage is near finishing. Two "wings" will begin to grow on the back, until they reach their maximum wing span. By the time the wings have grown, the third stage has finished. It must be noted that when the wings are growing, they are bare, not comprised of feathers or any scales. Some patients have grown "bird wings", while others have grown more reptile-like, leathery versions of wings, appropriately dubbed "Dragon Wings". 

The fifth stage ushers in the growth of feathers on the "bird wings", or in the case of "dragon wings", the growth of scales along the bone structure. Often patients will also grow feathers or scales under or around their eyes, on their shoulders, on the back top of their calves, and on their elbows. This process is mostly painless, though some patients report irritation. 

The sixth, and final, stage of the mutation process begins with the growth of a tail just above the buttox. The tail length is often proportional to the wing span, though it can differ slightly depending on the patient. Tails will also grow feathers or scales, and some patients have even grown spikes on the end. The tail is reportedly exceedingly strong, and can be used to pick up or move objects 3x the patients weight. Once the tail has reached its maximum length, all patients have then grown "spines", starting from the middle of their head, down their back, and ending at their tail. Spine color, size, and shape depends on the patient.

It must be noted that patients who survive the Mutation often have heightened senses, and can also be faster, stronger, and much more capable than the average human. In almost all Draconic patients, instinct has severely increased, meaning that while they are still perfectly intelligent and retain all their brain functions, they often respond to dangerous or negative situations the same way an animal would react, showing hostile signs such as snarling, growling, or even "rattling" their spines in warning. It is strongly advised not to back a Draconic Mutation survivor into a corner as they will react defensively. 

Facts and Tips for Non-Draconics:

- Draconic will often used their spines to warn other Draconic's of danger, "rattling" them similar to a rattlesnake. They can also be used to warn other to stay away from them.

-Draconic saliva is always pleasantly scented, and if injected into a Non-Draconic (which some Draconic's are capable of, again similar to a snake) can knock them out within minutes. However, Draconic's are not affected by their peers saliva. The saliva is often referred to as "venom".

- Draconic's are considered "pack animals", and will often form "Packs" with other Draconic's, or more commonly, Non-Draconics. However, Draconic's instinctively consider "Packs" to be extremely special, and "Packs" are usually only formed between lovers or family units. 

-Draconics are capable of excreting a fluid from their fingers, similar to ink. It is very staining to skin, though removable by Draconic saliva. It is often used to "Mark" members of a Draconics "Pack", similar to a gang symbol. The ink has also been shown to be very healing to Draconic's, applied directly to a wound. However, it has not been shown to heal the wounds of a Non-Draconic, though studies are underway. 

-Due to the Kings "Draconic Proclamation" issued to the kingdom, all able-bodied Draconic's between the ages of 16-18 were drafted into the King's militia, and put under study for the good of the Kingdom. Draconics of other ages, though not common, were also re-located to safer environments for the good of the people, though some were granted permits to remain. 

(For more information, see pg.24-27)


Keiro threw the tablet across the room after reading. It hit the wall with a thump and fell to the floor. The article had been released by the King's Head Scientist a few days ago, after the King's proclamation. It was meant to explain to millions of families why their children were being taken from them, but all it did was instill more paranoia within the kingdom. Keiro had skipped through the explanations about the different symptoms- after all, he had experienced them firsthand. Two years ago the virus had hit, and every Kingdom on the continent broke down. Thousands had died, and those that survived were obviously not the same. When it was realized how dangerous, how powerful the handful of citizens who survived had become, the King simply had to have them for his army.

It made sense, in a way, he supposed. The Kingdom had been at war for years now, almost two generations. It made sense the King would want these creatures for his army. Anything to gain the advantage over the neighboring kingdoms. And so Keiro had been taken, just days ago. He went without a fuss, not wanting his mother and small sister to be even more distraught than they already were. However, he'd been traveling for so long, he wasn't sure where in the kingdom he was anymore. He wished they'd let him out of the small, portable containment room he'd been placed in. They'd only given him a tablet for entertainment, and he wasn't very entertained. 

Just as he wished they'd let him out, the vehicle stopped with a lurch, and he was thrown forward, hitting his head on the wall. With a groan, he rubbed his head and stood up. The door to the room opened, and their stood the two guards who had escorted him from his home. He jumped out and followed quietly, curious as to where he was. He was surrounded on almost all sides by forest, and he wasn't sure which direction they'd come from. 

It wasn't long before they came upon a huge building, surrounded by ten foot tall electric fencing. The guards were let in through a large gate, manned by billy looking gentlemen. Keiro saw a large courtyard to the side of the building, but was led into the building before he could see anything else. He was taken to a large room with many doors


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