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Cheap headshot sketches

Cheap headshot sketches
Posted 2021-03-24 16:23:59 (edited)


- 5GC or 500SB - Payment is needed before I start. 
When commissioning please PM me the following details;
A link to the wolf (or link to a ref) you’d like me to draw, their personality, and whether or not you want them to be wearing any decors/accessories. 
Please feel free to ask questions if you have any! <3


*PP = Pending Payment

1. Feather-Heart (PP)


Posted 2021-03-24 20:36:29

Hey! Can I get a com of this baby?

Imaginative and yet she's prone to keep to herself, thinking no one would ever listen to what she has to say. She only really talks to other herbalists but struggles to get the hand of crafting cures with them. She worries for everyone though and wants to be able to be there for her pack properly when need be.

Can you draw her with her necklace and flower crown too?

Thanks! I'll pay in sc 


Posted 2021-03-25 13:12:06


Yes, I for sure can! I'll get started as soon as payment is sent! <3


Posted 2021-03-25 15:49:55




Posted 2021-03-29 18:50:49

Oh my gosh I never saw this! Thank you! I love it so much!


Posted 2021-03-29 20:19:36

Hello! Your art is really lovely! :3

I'd love to get one of these for my lead, AntiochHe's charming, sarcastic, provocative--just a punk brat, really. Any of his décor you can add I would love--he's got a scar, some piercing jewelry, and some feathers. And bonus points for his tongue out but no pressure! :')


Posted 2021-03-30 07:55:19


Hello! I can totally do that! Just send the SB or GB and I’ll get started :)


Posted 2021-03-30 08:33:57

@Quantas (#1334)

Will do! :)


Posted 2021-03-30 10:59:42

Hi! Could I order two works of art?

For this gentleman:Ventus 

And for my alpha:Ice

I'm already sending the payment! 


Posted 2021-03-30 13:12:23

@IceQueen (#404451)

yup! You’re second in line behind Anxiety :3


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