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Who's your favorite mod or user and why?

Who's your favorite mod or user and why?
Posted 2020-10-09 10:32:01

To me, River and Katze are awesome. I'm not too acquainted with other mods, and while I'm really excited to get to know them, River is so wonderful. They helped me with my IP problem and were so kind and genuine about it and were so quick to help! They seem really involved in the community, too. 

Katze is so generous and sweet! I remember being on Lioden, and being upset I couldn't get the moon circlet decor. She offered to just... Give me one. I dunno. I like them a lot. This post isn't meant to say other mods aren't equally as awesome, because they definitely are. but.. River and Katze are the ones I'm most acquainted with.  

Who's your favorite mod/player? Why? Let me know!!

Woollybutt 🐩

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