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Fascinating new wolf mutation spotted in the wild! (the actual wild, not on wolvden)

Fascinating new wolf mutation spotted in the wild! (the actual wild, not on wolvden)
Posted 2021-03-10 14:48:57

The Voyageurs Wolf Project in Minnesota has been doing some absolutely lovely work over the past few years, and they just released a new video talking about a harmless mutation they spotted in the Shoepack Lake pack. For those who don't have time to watch the video: bobtail wolves!!! Their tail are about half the length of their unmutated packmates. Frankly, it's adorable :DDD


Posted 2021-03-10 14:53:46

Bruh that's pretty cool! Makes me kinda hope it's something we can see in Wolvden one day.


Posted 2021-03-10 14:58:58

Oh man, that'd be so rad :DDD Who knows, though! The Voyageurs folks seem pretty certain it's a heritable mutation, gives that all known wolves with it seem to be siblings from the same pack. 

I'm just happy it doesn't seem to have any adverse affects. It makes me think the mutation could stick around in the population - which would make Minnesota bobtail wolves, just, a thing we have now??


Posted 2021-03-10 15:03:25

Honestly I just find it pretty neat that this can even occur in canines! I've only ever heard of bobtail felines such as lynxes and bobtailed domestic cats. I wonder how common this sort of thing would be if it continues to show up in future litters!

I'd kill for a curly tail mutation, honestly. Curly tailed wolves would be darn cute.


Posted 2021-03-12 16:40:00

Oh, wow! Thanks for bringing this to my attention! Super cool :) 

I wonder how many different mutations have been recorded in wolves? And of them, which would be coolest to see in Wolvden lol. 


Posted 2021-03-14 12:39:45

this is hella cool omg

i know dogs can have naturally bobbed tails (stumpy tail cattle dog) so it makes sense that it is possible on wolves, but still crazy to see irl!1 I'd love to see a bobbed tail mutation in-game 👀

Shiba [pie shark nbw]

Posted 2021-03-16 08:55:05

Wow that is so cool! I think it would make a great mutation for our wolves in wolvden! :D


Posted 2021-03-16 19:42:55

Eeeee that would be adorable <3


Posted 2021-03-17 22:13:19

Such an odd deformity! I'm glad it's benign so I can find it cute lol

"I'd kill for a curly tail mutation, honestly. Curly tailed wolves would be darn cute."



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