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Project X [Discord Rp]

Project X [Discord Rp]
Posted 2021-03-08 07:19:07 (edited)

The government sign and approve the operation project X in a facility from an island far from the mainland as the looks abandoned but as for the inside wasn't. 

As they cast some secret operation on the overpower experiment as they monitor them closely. With all the tests and experiments, they level the overpower experiment to low, medium, and high to see what they are deal with the experiment as they have a background with those power they had. 

the high level is assigned with guards so they won't have a problem with the experiment beforehand. but later on, feeling cage up and wanting freedom the experiment started secretly thinks of a way to escapes. some started to make allies with experiments and other enemies. so my question is would you dare escape the impossible rather than being salves or puppet for the government?

Things you should know.

-The Experiments should wear any accessories/marking they like but only base on the color of the level (ex.: Low - Blue, Medium - Black, High - Red) as it also has a built-in chip on them as it carries information about them, shockers or etc.

- Guards and Scientist carries devices on them to scan the chips and to activate and deactivate the chips too.


Bluestar Moon

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