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Healing Salve and Battle Dmg need tweaking

Healing Salve and Battle Dmg need tweaking
Posted 2020-10-07 16:40:06 (edited)

The healing aspect of the game is unpolished IMO. Not the way it's done per say, but the values. I can't fight a lvl 4 anything at lvl 10 without needing to use a salve afterwards even if my next fight is like a lvl 2 because mobs deal so much damage even if you way out-level them.  You constantly NEED to have full or near full HP to win regardless of lvl. That and at my level it takes like 5 charges of a regular salve to fully heal me from 0. I feel like I should be able to take on two level 5 and below mobs before needing to heal if I am double their level. This is even using Lucky Feet sometimes. The values of dmg vs lvl vs healing % seem wayyyy unbalanced.

(And yes, I have used what guides there are to make sure I am battling efficiently vs certain mob types.)

Maybe the mob dmg needs to be tweaked more than the salves, but I don't feel like l should lose all of my HP to a mob half my lvl. Am I the only one feeling this?


Posted 2020-10-07 18:18:45

I entirely agree. The salves - if you're crafting them - are a huge time investment for passive creation. And you can find them, but RNG absolutely hates them, or I've just had really bad lucky. For what the salves are right now they're not enough at higher levels when you're getting smacked around by things ten levels under you. 

And the rich salves are too expensive to craft herb wise for what they do too. 

Something here needs adjustment. Either the HP per salve changed, the time crafting them, dmg from enemies, or your wolf's HP. It's difficult in a way that just creates artifical difficulty. It's not a rewarding difficulty, but absolutely frustrating to a level that is bound to drive users off. 

It almost feels like we need a defense stat or a dodge chance based on speed or something imo


Posted 2020-10-07 18:31:21 (edited)

I agree 100% that crafting salves doesn't feel rewarding, and that it's difficulty just for the sake of difficulty or just to create a GC sink.


Posted 2020-10-07 23:15:31

Absolutely agree with all of the points mentioned. I've got a quest where I have to beat 2 bears, healing salve stonks are up man.


Posted 2020-10-08 02:28:05

fully agree; a level one mob shouldn't be just as capable of draining my health bar as a level 10 one, imo. healing salves aren't exactly hard to find in explore, but they never seem to show up when i need them lmao, plus there just seems to be. really no point in crafting them yourself. you get two uses for a fairly long wait, plus it uses charcoal, which doesn't seem to be easy to come by, and is used in large quantities for probably the most common illness. why bother waiting ages and wasting charcoal for a total of 20HP, which is generally just enough to get back on your feet after a battle, when the next battle will almost certainly make you need another few uses of healing salve?


Posted 2020-10-08 20:33:10

I have been beaten at level 10 by level 2 and 3 mobs. I feel like that shouldn't be happening.

I get needing to keep people from shooting up in levels but with how screwy RNG is the system currently favors people with the GC to spend on guarana to find healing salves or random healing events which has vague hints of pay to win.

Either make salves scale in healing amount or uses based on proficiency, easier to find, easier to craft, or a combo. Right now HP is a big impediment to playing at all.


Posted 2020-10-11 17:23:28

I'm level ten and getting my arse handed to me by level one and twos, and have also not been getting the healing salve 'encounter' as often, (Like, it has almost been completely nerfed for me?) and if I do, I've been getting den creation items (which I don't need because I have the max number of dens) and it has been very disheartening. Especially when simply exploring has also taken chunks out of my health as an extra boot to my face while I'm down.


Posted 2020-10-11 21:20:10

I noticed that as well. That the encounter to Inspect or Drink from a lake doesn't give a salve anymore when you Inspect. Always gives den items. Can you say Nerfbat?


Posted 2020-10-11 21:26:24 (edited)

@Ulfruna @Severance

As someone that has explored a LOT, I haven't noticed any difference on the healing salve drop vs the cave materials drop on the pond encounter. I added up the total encounters that I had with this from my user log, and only 52/225 were den materials, the other 173 were healing salves. I would confidently say that there is about a 20-25% chance of den materials, and 75-80% chance of a salve from that data.

I suppose that I should mention that the biome itself doesn't seem to change this. About a third of these were in the Mountains (easy), another third in the Prairie (medium), and the rest in the Tundra/Desert (difficult).


Posted 2020-10-11 21:26:37

I'm at level 12 and still get the salve. I think I do get more salves in general in the starter biomes than in other ones? but that might just be a feeling and no fact

Sienna Snow

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