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Silver Cones

Silver Cones
Posted 2021-02-20 12:52:27

I know this has been brought up before, many times, but I must say it anyway...silver cones are a pain. You simply don't get enough of them fast enough. I need over 1000 for my next slot and i'm sick of having to spend loads of gold cones to get the silver cones. a lot of items and features cost way to much and I find all my silver cones gone in one day and then it's back to tedious grinding, especially when i don't have gold cones. 

Wolf Girl

Posted 2021-02-24 01:53:12

Yes. And people crashing the wolf market doesn’t help either.

At public access? I could sell pups up to 750sc. Now? I’d be lucky to even sell a 450+ stats tier II with 8 markings for 100sc.

Selling wolves that did not fit within my pack used to be a good way to make extra sc for me, for example.


Posted 2021-02-24 04:13:43 would help if there was a second way to get more territory other than spending all your SC. 

Wolf Girl

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