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Am I alone...?

Posted 2020-09-26 07:28:34

Yeah like I just want to chill and have some cool awoos. Maybe even try to make a little story for them at some point.


Posted 2020-09-26 07:36:47

Very casual player here. Work six days a week. Not much time to be intense in anything.


Posted 2020-09-26 11:04:54

You're not alone!
Almost every game I play I do it casually and just for the fun of it. I genuinely have no goals right now on Wolvden I'm just learning things as I go and having a good time while we're at it. :)


Posted 2020-09-26 11:07:04

I guess you're not alone. The quests take time, and there is so much to discover. So ... yeah, the art is very beautiful and the dens some player already have, too. :)

Enjoy the game and have a lot fun!


Posted 2020-09-26 11:25:23

its ok, some players just have "achievement hunter syndrome." the craze will die off in a few weeks or so, but might kick up when the newer players in october roll in. youll find more casual players then too though!

🌺 | Kore

Posted 2020-09-26 11:26:26

Oh man, I relate to the stress. It's rough with everyone head over heels for this game. I have no idea what I'm doing.


Posted 2020-09-26 11:37:50

I'd like to call myself a pretty causal player, though I will totally admit I am kind of pushing to get my lead wolf to lvl 10. I'm pretty damn sure once I get there, my drive will be much more focused on my pack and their story, not advancing in the game. Even with pushing myself to get to level 10, I'm still taking it slow honestly, and working more on my pack's story. I love the game so far and just want to enjoy it like I do with LioDen. I have classes 5 days a week, but Fri-Sun I have a crap ton of free time (or what I like to think as "free" time lol), so once Monday hits I'll probably really be causal with the game too. 


Posted 2020-09-26 11:40:38

I’m also playing casually! I’m more focused on taking the game slow and being active and helpful with the community!


Posted 2020-09-26 11:48:58

I’m also casual! Getting intense now is a good way to get burnt out later, at least for me. I work a split shift but I get on whenever I can to explore. I know later on new features will be added and it will be even more fun! 


Posted 2020-09-26 11:52:18

I play casually but since I'm on quarantine I don't have anything else to do really.

How do people play as hardcore? Like what's considered hardcore?


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