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Mystical Beasts | Unnatural Wolves Unite | discord & Luna Base Giveaway!

Posted 2020-10-16 15:47:59

Rainbow floofs?! Omg I'd be sooo excited to see those!


Posted 2020-10-16 15:52:48

Ooh, Eros is gorgeous! Congrats on that lovely stud oml


Posted 2020-10-16 15:56:11

@Moon Loba and Prism are my most shiny right now, but once I can nab some more GC I have another spectrum customized gal in mind. Then I have to work on my lavender boy who will be my next BM! 

Only bummer is we neeeed blue markings like, yesterday. Having to settle for blue bases and grays and blacks with lower opacities for now.

@ghost gonna bookmark that boy soooo gorgeous 😍 


Posted 2020-10-16 16:31:18

@ShakiraFuego I totally agree! Would love some blue markings and just more unnatural colours like pinks, purples/lavenders etc. I just want my wolves to look like a packet of skittles yet sadly I can't. I get why they stuck to more natural-looking marking colours for launch so it can appeal to a wider range of players but I hope in future updates they can give us some more colour variation. 


Posted 2020-10-16 21:06:54

@ShakiraFuego Oh wow you have some PRETTIES! It was so satisfying to see an array of wolves that all match a rainbow color nicely lol


Posted 2020-10-16 21:47:11

@Rum— I’m working on his stats as quickly as possible!! Here’s to hoping they don’t nerf the exp earned from scouting hahaha


Posted 2020-10-18 13:01:33

@everyone - I'm excited to announce (finally) that the discord server is up and running for everyone! It took us a while (mostly because of me lol), but I can't wait to chat with you all about wolvden and life in general. You don't have to officially join Mystical Beasts to gain access to the server, but for future reference, only members who are apart of the members list will be counted for member giveaways/raffles/contests. 

Click me to join c:


Posted 2020-10-18 13:06:33


Can’t wait to chat with y’all! <3


Posted 2020-10-19 11:07:54

Hello! I would love to join! I want to get all the mutations!


Posted 2020-10-19 16:24:47

i'd like to join and enter the raffle pls :]


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