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Anyone else feel stuck in the game sometimes?

Anyone else feel stuck in the game sometimes?
Posted 2021-02-18 14:32:28

a bit more vent-y than usual for the chatter threads but does anyone else ever feel like they cant catch up on wolvden?

from the leaderboards to the current breeding trends, I feel like im never good enough and will always lag behind. sometimes I think about not even playing at all anymore because of how saddening it can get, honestly.

i recently bred a melanistic, but because hes inbred and related to moof sometimes i just dont even feel like hes an accomplishment. I was excited for custom decors, but it doesn't feel like anyone even buys mine as often as I see others get bought, even when i try my best on them! I was hoping for that to be my main income because of my skills as an artist, but it seems even that wont get you anywhere on here.

Just a bit of a vent honestly, I wonder if anyone feels the same.


Posted 2021-02-18 14:37:48 (edited)

I understand how you feel, but when I start to feel that way, I just think of my personal accomplishments on Wolvden. It's difficult to get any kind of outside income on Wolvden, so I try to take my intentions off making a profit and just do it cause I think it'll be fun. 

With wolves, I can definitely agree that's it's difficult to keep up, especially with all the new Tier IIIs coming in. Higher tier or mutated wolves are so expensive to get unless you're thrown a bone. Again, I just try to ignore tiers unless I'm specifically after a certain coat, otherwise I just buy wolves I like.


Posted 2021-02-18 15:15:21

idk, i feel like wolvden is kinda the only atmosphere ive.. ever encountered this in to be honest. it feels like something is obtained and the first thing the community does it make it unobtainable. it feels like the only people who truly work together are working together to make the game harder for others.

800 gc for a wolf makes me feel like theres nothing, no point to trying to do anything to get to a higher stance. the things i want are up on that level, but every day the level raises by 45 more feet. Ive played the game since day 1 and only took a MONTH break... and I feel like i came back to unobtainable chaos that honestly ruins my mood sometimes. ;-; its hard to even just play the game as you like because that still requires currency that its nearly impossible to get sometimes.

idk, maybe i need to leave again, but at the same time its knowing that if i leave again.. i come back to something worse, where im even MORE far behind. i guess thats why i feel stuck, the playerbase just doesnt seem to enjoy getting other people unstuck. sometimes i even feel an animosity towards the people who do this kind of thing.


Posted 2021-02-18 17:01:57

I partially understand how that feels.

I did the same thing where I took a break for almost two months and came back to everyone already on T3's and at this point, with my play'll probably be next year until I even get into any of that. I used to get really stressed out and sad about not being able to keep up (here, various other games of the same style), but now I've pretty much determined that I should just play the way I want to play and let things progress naturally. I'm really far behind other people, but I don't want to burn myself out trying to achieve something that's just not realistic for me currently. 

If you're not enjoying it, don't force it.

Focus on the aspects that you do enjoy. The rest of it is going to be what it is...and yes, it absolutely sucks to feel so far behind, but at the same time, not everyone plays the same way and we shouldn't expect them to change how they play any more than we should change our own play styles to suit how someone else is playing. 


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