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What are your Compliments?

What are your Compliments?
Posted 2020-10-06 13:10:28

Undoubtedly, there are a few things here and there that players have pointed out need improvement as would be expected with a developing game. We've got the thread to voice our concerns with some of the mechanics but I wanted to see if anyone would be interested in a thread where we can address the compliments that we do have for Wolvden, because if you're feeling anything like me then you're hooked on the game from just a couple weeks of playing.

The admin team has, to the best of their abilities, stressed that Lioden is to be seen as a completely separate environment from Wolvden which is exactly what I love the most. While I have an account on Lioden and have played it in the past, it couldn't keep my attention for more than a couple weeks within a 12 month time frame and wasn't what I was looking for in a sim. I enjoy that Wolvden is its own style with different mechanics and, in my opinion, a far more interactive game (plus, I am biased as I am not nearly as fascinated with lions than I am with wolves). 

I do like that is is more reflective of what it is like in "real life" where there are harsh consequences for performing risky actions and that illness and a higher mortality rate of puppies is present, despite how frustrating it can be. I guess I'm a sucker for realism, it keeps it interesting and unpredictable rather than having a repetitive routine over and over again.

It could just be me, but I think the battling system is also a lot less irritating in that if you go against opponents of a lower level than you, you'll notice a pretty sizable different in your ability to defeat them. It is a lot easier to gain levels in that respect.

What am I missing? I'd love to hear if other players have similar or different interests in the game. : )


Posted 2020-10-06 14:09:10

I really like the way the realism helps me play my wolves in a very realistic way.  For example, if I meet a new wolf who's pretty, I have to think "what will they do in my pack?  Will they get along with my hunters?  Are they strong?  Would they make a good scout?"  Instead of "oh hey, pretty wolf, maybe I'll make a bunch of pups, most of whom will be chased away.  Sure I still do things like chase wolves or sell pups, but it's much more thoughtful because of the game mechanics.


Posted 2020-10-06 17:02:12

I pretty much share your opinions of enjoying the game because of the fact you have to strategize how you will care and interact with your pack.

While some players have found it frustrating that there are consequences, such as illnesses and increased pup mortality, that makes the game play challenging, I find it to be a breath of fresh air. As much as I love Lioden, as I have been a player there for over 7-8 years, it has gotten a bit mundane as I feel that there really isn't any real challenges anymore., although there are occasional cool updates and features to look forward to. 

I really love how stats actually have a purpose in the roles wolves can fill. This can help make the wolves more interactive in deciding what roles they can fill in the pack. 

Overall, I'm really happy with the game, and while it's not perfect to some, I have no doubt that this game has some real potential to grow bigger and better. 


Posted 2020-10-06 23:45:07

I love that there's a lot of mechanics and systems already in place and that, for the most part, they work together really well. There are elements of decision-making that, while not earth-shattering, are unusual and quite impressive in a SIM game. Things like "Should I go ahead and research this new medicine now, or save up that one rare herb for this medicine I already know for a more common disease?" or "When should I breed this female to ensure maximum pupsitter availability?" or "Should I chuck this ill-fitting wolf into my hunting party now to make up numbers, or leave the team of four that have better personality matches?" It's just different to a lot of other breeding SIMs, where the decision-making tends to be based around which pet to pair with which. Not that WD doesn't have that - of course it does - just it isn't the ONLY thing to think about.

I also really like the varied roles, which add a lot of flavour. In fact I love the commitment to flavour and feel generally. I think the site has a fantastic aesthetic both in the way it looks and in the text that's here and there around the site, and it's obvious that a huge amount of thought and care has gone into making the site give off a certain vibe. Huge compliments for that.


Posted 2020-10-07 10:40:44

I love how stat-gaining works! From having a maximum level like being at the height of power at the right age and earning specific stats depending on where you are scouting to how they affect your hunting party!

And I really love how selective breeding is now. As the others mentioned, you need to think through it alot and weigh the pros and cons. It keeps you interested even when you dont have 10+ new babies each RO and so on.

Sienna Snow

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