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Bluecrown Pack (pack lore)

Bluecrown Pack (pack lore)
Posted 2020-10-05 23:47:22 (edited)

Bluecrown Pack
Last updated: 10/19/2020

I will be building up the lore of Bluecrown Pack in this thread. READ ONLY.

Golden Sun: Hematite | Battlehound: Juno | Heir: Sherlock


table of contents

kingdom organization
dynasty & pack members
day by day #1
naming rights
sol et luna

A pack founded on mystery and pain, death and glory. Bluecrown symbolizes all that could have been and all that wasn't. With secrets and adventure spread throughout the cracks of this royal pack, it begs the question: are you interested in unraveling the truth?

HTML by Lila #225. Do not remove credit

⚡️foggy doggy ⚡️

Posted 2020-10-05 23:59:00 (edited)

Bluecrown Pack: Information

Informational Quick Facts

  • Bluecrown often settles near villages or settlements. While many wolf packs tend to avoid humans due to the dangers they possess, Bluecrown uses them to their advantage. The creatures are known for their large populations and skilled paws, so they must be doing something right. Bluecrown wolves may take inspiration from the humans to use for their own inventions and experiments.
  • While Bluecrown Warriors are fierce and strong, and more than capable of protecting the pack, various expertly crafted defense mechanisms are scattered throughout Bluecrown. These defenses are used to alert Warrior troops to danger, so that they may better defend the pack.
  • Bluecrown’s culture greatly focuses on the storytellers (the older wolves) of the pack, as well as their ancestors who have passed. These storytellers are revered for their wisdom and often times, their philosophical knowledge. The wolves believe that the knowledge and wisdom from their ancestors pass down to their storytellers so that they may share these gifts with the pack. On full moons, where the moon shines brightest, the wolves of Bluecrown hold a festival, nicknamed The Festival of the Storyteller, where the pack members celebrate their elders and those who came before them. This is a night where their worries and stress are pushed aside, and they focus on what makes the pack what it is. Beautiful beads and intricately woven garments hang from the wolves as they partake in a splendid celebration.
  • Ceremonies involving the royal family are happy times for the entire pack. These ceremonies often give out gifts to the packmembers of Bluecrown.
  • Political drama within the pack is common. Pack wars have been waged over future kings and queens. 

Pack Law

  • Bluecrown pups should not be dirtied by inbreeding.
  • Members of Bluecrown are allowed to seek a mate outside of the pack with the King’s permission (as the king also serves as the pack’s breeding male).
  • The royal family may choose to adopt orphaned/abandoned pups. These puppies become princesses/princes upon their adoption ceremony. At the moment, the royal family may not adopt more than three pups per in-game year (24 rollovers). 
  • Respect your elders. 
  • Pups must reach at least 30 smarts/wisdom stats by the time they reach 6 months.
  • Each wolf must be named or take on a name when they enter Bluecrown Pack. Exception for prisoners taken in by Bluecrown.
  • Heirs to the throne must be related to the founding line by blood (Exception for the first replacement leader/breeding male).
  • All wolves must be given a detailed bio/story.
  • The royalty based pack of Bluecrown frequently trades food, toys, and herbs with other packs. 
  • Customization of a wolf may be done freely.
  • Items used to decorate a wolf can be obtained and used at any time.
  • Warriors and the Royal Scientist & Herbalist can use stat-boosting items at any time. Commoners may use them once every 2 in-game months (4 rollovers).
  • The best pups must be protected by a pup-sitter first. They should be categorized in this order: base, markings, smarts/wisdom stats, and finally, other stats. Royal pups take a pup-sitter slot immediately if requested by the royal family.
  • If a bastard pup is claimed by the royal family, they become a princess/prince.

What is Bluecrown Pack Known For?

The wolves of Bluecrown are very intelligent. They are known to be sharp-witted, creative, and lighting smart. While the pack is lead under fair rule, they can be hostile to suspicious wolves.
The most intelligent and battle-worthy wolves of the pack are courageous and inspire fear in others. It is unclear what made the wolves of Bluecrown have such evolved and advanced views on life and science.
Bluecrown has some of the most effective battle and defense plans set in place. Using their brilliant strategies, it’s near impossible to trespass on Bluecrown’s territory without being caught and taken as a prisoner.
The wolves of Bluecrown are known as wolves that enjoy experimenting. While most of their tests are considered harmless, it is thought that a few wolves, wolves taken as prisoners of the pack, are used for these experiments. It is unknown whether this secret group or faction is recognized by the royal family. A warning to those thinking of spying or trespassing, beware: you may not come out the same wolf you were when you came in.

⚡️foggy doggy ⚡️

Posted 2020-10-06 00:11:58 (edited)

Kingdom Organization

1st Circle
Golden Sun: The ruler of Bluecrown.

Battlehound (second in command): The second in command of the pack. Has almost as much power as the Golden Sun does. The battlehound can be any wolf important to the Golden Sun and helps them with important decisions.

Princesses and Princes: The direct or adopted children of the Golden Sun. They are not necessarily royalty.

2nd Circle
Royal Visitors:
Royal/high-ranking wolves from other packs that have come to discuss political/personal(etc.) affairs with  Bluecrown. They are to be treated with the utmost respect and any wolf that disrespects them may be punished.

Royal Scientist & Herbalist (RSH): This wolf is tasked with healing the wolves of Bluecrown. They may take on a Royal Scientist apprentice if they wish.

Battalion Leader: Second in command to the Battlehound during fights/wars. If the Battlehound is indisposed, they will lead the Warriors into battle. The Battalion Leader also leads hunting parties. Very skilled in fighting and war.

RSH Apprentice: The pup in this role is taken under the RSH's wing and is to be the next official RSH.

Assassins: Wolves that are trained to kill and are sent to other packs to assassinate rivals. They are very dangerous wolves, although many keep their role a secret from others to avoid their fear.

Scribes: Very intelligent wolves that have learned to write on stone tablets. Scribes use various natural materials to write with their paws. Scribes note down the history of Bluecrown, so future generations know what happened in the past.

3rd Circle
Warriors: The hunters and fighters of the pack. These wolves are very close to each other in their groups and must be good at their jobs.

Scouts: Scouts are important as well, as they warn the pack of danger within the borders and scout out new locations to move the pack.

Elders: Wolves too old to hunt or scout. Old wolves are honored in Bluecrown, and all must treat them with respect, including the royals. Elders often work with the pups, telling them stories of days past.

Warrior Apprentice: These pups often have stats and a personality suited for working in a team to take down prey for the pack, as well as protect it from dangers. They are trained to be future Warriors.

Scout Apprentice: Pups chosen for this position are often a hard pick between a Warrior apprenticeship or a Scout apprenticeship. These puppies show a will to explore and run. Many scout apprentices are curious and enjoy learning.

Wolves from other packs that are temporally staying in Bluecrown Pack as a political ally. They help the pack with political decisions, and often accompany royal visitors. Diplomats should be respected. After a certain amount of time, they will leave for their own packs.

Wolves skilled in a specific craft. Artisans may sell their goods to other members of the pack or go on small trade missions to trade with other packs. 

Pup-sitters: Pup-sitters are very important as they make sure the puppies of Bluecrown stay safe and healthy throughout their youth.

Pup-sitting Apprentice: These pups often show excitement when spoken too about taking care of or having pups of their own once they are old enough. Kind and patient pups are usually selected as pup-sitting apprentices.

Pups: They have no role in the pack, however they may be chosen from a young age to train to fill a role in the future.

Messengers: Wolves that are chosen to send messages between the council and other pack members or the council and other packs. Messengers must be quick and have good memories. A simple mistake in repeating their message can cause a lot of harm.

4th Circle

Outsiders: Wolves that have merely come to visit and are not royalty/high-ranking wolves. While they are in the same tier as the prisoners, no harm shall come to them by the pack-members of Bluecrown.

Prisoners: Bluecrown sometimes take prisoners, wolves that are forced to serve a duty and then are chased off.

Role Specifications

Golden Sun: May breed with anyone in or out of the pack, although in-pack relations are stressed. May create laws, order arrests, offer appearance changes, etc. Once and heir takes over, the old Golden Sun is still permitted to live as a high-rank wolf.

Battlehound (second in command): May breed with anyone in the pack, including the Golden Sun. The Battlehound leads the Warriors during fights and wars. They do not participate in hunting parties (which are led by the Battalion Leader) unless they are required.

Princesses and Princes:
The crown princess or prince is the future Golden Sun, and are also known as heirs. The other princesses and princes still live as high-ranking wolves, although they will never rule as the Golden Sun unless the heir is no longer set as the future leader. Princesses and Princes still have duties to the pack, meaning they are still required to have their own role. However, as their role as a princess/prince is still active, they will remain a first circle wolf.

Royal Scientist & Herbalist (RSH): Is not permitted to breed. Once they are the herbalist, that is their job until they pass. During their lifetime, they are to choose an apprentice that will eventually become the next RSH. Royal Scientists are very close to the royal family; they are known to help with experiments and design or help design inventions, all while also healing the pack.

Battalion Leader: Is permitted to breed once in their lifetime. Once a wolf is picked as Battalion Leader, they keep this role until they are too old or do something un-honorable. 

Elders: Too old to breed, hunt, scout, or fight. Many help out with the pups. Each full moon, they are celebrated.

Warriors: Are permitted to breed once in their lifetime, or until their retirement or replacement. If they are not currently assigned a hunting role, they may do as they please. Warriors must have compatible personalities; they will grow very close to each other during their hunting and fighting trips.

Scouts: Scouts are permitted to breed. They are to explore as much as possible during their scouting trips.

Artisans: Allowed to breed whenever they'd like. Artisans often take up minor hunting or pup-sitting positions in their free time, when they are not busy crafting. Artisans may choose to make anything, from blankets to hanging bead jewelry. They are allowed to sell these things within the pack, or decide to petition the royal family for a small mission to another pack, where they can then sell their crafts there.

Assassins: Assassins are not allowed to breed, as this would interfere with their duties. They are permitted to keep their role in the pack a secret if they wish. Many assassins are older wolves, although some young wolves have shown potential.

Diplomats: Diplomats are not permitted to breed with anyone on the pack, as this is not the diplomat's pack. They will stay in the pack for a few months before returning to their own; they make come back every now and then to further help Bluecrown as an ally. (OOC: Diplomats are not kicked from the pack, but kept in a separate cave until needed for RP purposes in the actual pack).

Scribes: Are allowed to breed. Scribes are not picked until they are at least an adolescent. They must learn to read and write quickly, and must possess a sharp and clever mind. 

Pup-sitters: Are permitted to breed. Each pup-sitter can take 1-3 pups. If the pup is considered very important, they are to be the sole pup being taken care of by a particular pup-sitter. If the sitter has a high proficiency, it's possible that they can take on more pups.

Apprentices: Puppies picked from a young age to become warriors, scouts, pup-sitters, etc.

Prisoners: May not breed nor assume a new name. If they're unlucky, they may be used by Sol Et Luna, the secret organization within Bluecrown, for an experiment.

Feeding Ranks
(OOC: wolves are fed as I see them on the food dropdown)
The council and court eat FIRST.
The puppies eat SECOND.
The elders and the royal scientist eat THIRD.
The warriors, pup-sitters, and scouts eat FOURTH.
The prisoners eat LAST, if at all.

Battle Plans
written by an anonymous warrior of bluecrown

Warriors should be split into two groups. It is recommended that the wolves in each group are comfortable with each other. 

Assume a loose formation. One troop should approach the danger from the front, the other from the back. A wolf should split off from each group to cover the left and right. With said danger surrounded, every wolf should have eyes on it. 

The most agile wolves should undertake a position in the front. The strongest and largest wolves need to be 'hugging' their group from the sides. The wolves in front are sent in for quick bites and scratches. Not much damage will be done on your average danger. This is used to disorient the danger, as well as provide a distraction for the stronger wolves to pounce and attack.

To avoid any wolves getting tired, attacks should come from the front and back. The wolves on the side should remain there to prevent escape, however if the troops are having any trouble at all, a swap of positions is allowed. 

Injured troop members are sent to the back of their groups. They will be shielded by attackers waiting for their turn to tear at the danger.

Once the danger is eliminated, wolves will go back to the pack and report. Stay in your troop formations, so that the council may talk to you as a whole. Wolves that were flanking the danger should go back to their original groups.

Bluecrown Territory and Home
descriptions of Bluecrown territory and where they've settled

Bluecrown is settled in a grassy and open area that is rather close to the sea. Their home is flanked by lush woods and a human village. A large, clear lake can be found very close to where they have settled. This lake is not man-made, nor polluted in any way. The humans don't seem to use it, so it has been left to the wolves. The pups of Bluecrown enjoy splashing around in the cool waters, watched over by the careful eyes of their pup-sitters. A rocky cliff face holds the sleeping area of the wolves. The cave contains soft nests, made of grass, soft feathers, leaves, and other small items. These nests are reserved for the young and the old. Adult wolves sleep on the ground, usually huddled up to each other. A waterfall near the caves provided a lulling noise that, surprisingly, helps the wolves sleep. This waterfall connects to the lake nearby. Due to the wolves' connection to other animals (especially birds), there is always a rustle in the bush, a chirping in the trees, a splash in the lake. Birds roam the pack freely, without the fear of being harmed, as it is considered a crime to harm, kill, or eat a bird. 

The Warriors gather by the woods every day to discuss the hunt. Depending on what they decide, they will either hunt in the woods or on the plains. When the Warriors come back from the hunt, the wolves gather near the lake to feast on the prey. If there are pregnant, sick, or very old wolves that cannot make it to the lake, other wolves will take meat from the prey and will bring it to the indisposed wolves.

Caves separate from the sleeping cave serve as personal business areas. For example, the clinic, artisan shops, and a lab are all located in one of the caves. The caves are all lit by fire, one of the most amazing discoveries. The wolves use flint and steel, which can be found in the lab, to light these fires.

Thorngull Clinic
A clinic can also be found in the pack. This area is especially large, suited for holding a multitude of medicines. If a wolf is sick, they will be sent to the clinic. When empty, the Royal Scientist & Herbalist resides in the cave. He or she spends their time foraging and creating medicine for future injured and sick wolves. If an injured wolf is taken in, the RSH will stay with them at all times, making sure they are getting their rest, getting their medicine, etc. A small pool of water in the cave provides the drink that the wolves need. If a sick wolf is moved to the cave, the RSH will immediately move out to avoid contracting the illness. They will make sure to check in with the sick wolf so that they can recover quickly and effectively.

Rustleberry Grove Nursery

HTML by Lila #225. Do not remove credit

other things I can add (I’ll clean them up later)
  • Mockup battle plans; mockup trade days; mockup celebrations; by mockup, I mean that it won’t affect gameplay and is there for lore purposes.
  • Wolf biographies: full name, role, personality, life story, strengths and weaknesses, relationships, etc.
  • More information about religion and culture. What I’m thinking is that the wolves are very curious and question the beliefs of other wolf packs. They’ve come to the conclusion that the wolves believe in what they believe in, not because they have proof, but that their faith keeps them going. As a result, there is religious diversity within the pack; each wolf has the freedom to choose what they want to believe—or not believe— in. Some wolves prefer believing that their world was created by natural causes, while others believe in divinity, or in the sun and moon, or their own deitys. No wolf is punished for their beliefs. Now, regardless of how they think that the world was created, a stock belief in certain systems and things in the world is ingrained within the pack. For example, the stars hold each and every wolf. The wolves of Bluecrown know that they are not literally wolves, but they believe that the stars represent those wolves. Another example is their thoughts/beliefs on the changing of season. With each change represents a shift in time. Their ancestors, according to their culture, use their wisdom to help along the world’s natural forces. The last example is their belief that the wisdom and knowledge of past wolves is passed down to the elders, or old wolves if you’d like to call them that.

⚡️foggy doggy ⚡️

Posted 2020-10-06 00:13:22 (edited)

(images will be added in time)
Bluecrown Pack Dynasty & Pack Members

The wolves of Bluecrown Pack choose to remember and celebrate the wolves that came before them. Each and every wolf of Bluecrown is cherished separately. The dynasty serves as a way to make sure the ancestors of Bluecrown live on.

Pack Members
King: Hematite Bluecrown
Deputy: Juno Bluecrown (took Hematite's family name as she is his mate)
Princesses: Essos, Maia, Mercury
Princes: Dune, Orbit
Royal Scientist & Herbalist: Everest
Battalion Leader: N/A
Assassins: N/A
Scribes: N/A
RSH Apprentice: N/A
Warriors: Sage, Sabre
Scouts: Chimney
Pup-sitters: Gold Ivy, Kali, Rae
Storytellers: N/A
Warrior Apprentices: Essos, Mercury, Quail, Rusty, Snowfall, Wren
Scout Apprentices:
Tuna, Troy
Pup-sitting Apprentices: Maia
Artisans: N/A
Diplomats: N/A
Pups: Tuna, Troy
Bastard Pups: N/A
Messengers: N/A
Outsiders: N/A
Prisoners: N/A
HTML by Lila #225. Do not remove credit

⚡️foggy doggy ⚡️

Posted 2020-10-06 00:34:39 (edited)

The First Meeting | Hematite and Juno

Festival of the StorytellerHTML by Lila #225. Do not remove credit

⚡️foggy doggy ⚡️

Posted 2020-10-14 23:12:02 (edited)

Day by Day
The Beginning | October 2, 2020

Hematite founds Bluecrown Pack. Many secrets and many tragedies lurk on his mind. On this day, he meets the first new member of his pack. Juno, an average, but still lovely wolf, accompanied Hematite to Bluecrown's territory. He names Juno his Deputy, or second in command. Although he doesn't feel any strong affection for the golden wolf, he has high hopes for their relationship in the future. He isn't sure that the can bear everything alone. They have a litter of two puppies, disregarding their lack of feelings for each other. While Juno is happily in love with the pups, named Maia and Orbit, Hematite doesn't feel that much of an attachment, although he keeps this to himself. He doesn't have a wish to ruin his relationship with the Deputy so early on. The puppies become the first princess and prince of Bluecrown.

The two didn't have to stay alone for very long. During an exploration of the lands, a doe-eyed wolf appears from behind some wispy bushes. Her voice is soft and she immediately takes a liking to Juno. According to the female, who introduced herself as Sage, she left her pack to travel. Her gentle nature got her the assignment of pup-sitter.

After a few failed attempts at getting more wolves to join his pack, Hematite finally convinced two young wolves, named Kali and Sabre, into joining the growing group. The two were friends from the same pack, a pack that they left. They were sent off by their parents to find a new place to flourish in. They were both assigned as pup-sitters, although Sabre was found to be much better. Kali has a mean spirit that makes Hematite wary.

A Bright Sunrise | October 3, 2020

The pack is woken at dawn by a soft snuffling sound. The new day brought many new pack members. Rae, an in-heat amber female, is trailed by an upbeat puppy going by the name Chimney. She was found at the crossroads by Juno. Another adult female nudges three tiny pups with her. The puppies, Quail, Wren, and Bluejay, begin nibbling at the other's paws and immediately win everyone over. The addition of these six members strengthens the pack. Rae assumes the position of pup-sitter immediately. As does Gold Ivy, the mother of the tree trouble-making pups. Hematite encourages that the adult wolves stay as pup-sitters until the pups are able to survive without any trouble.

Ouch! | October 4, 2020

Quail is injured after being punched in the face by an angry Wren. The small injury really hurt! Hematite comforted Quail's mother and promised that he wouldn't allow it to happen again. Unfortunately, on the same day, Bluejay was chasing a squirrel through the nearby bushes and caught her ear on a thick twig. She tried to escape from the bush, resulting the twig tearing through her ear! Gold Ivy thoroughly scolded Bluejay for being foolish. The ever-thinking Hematite helped set up some guidelines for Gold Ivy's mischievous pups.

Path of New Life | October 5, 2020

Rae, now in-heat, is ready to breed. She requests to find a partner that can bring new markings and puppy variations to Bluecrown. Hematite accepts this request without batting an eye. He does not take it as an insult, merely a smart idea. Rae, young and in heat, attracts the attention of one pretty stud. After breeding, she returns home triumphant. The females in the pack eagerly help Rae set up her nest and give her tips. Sabre hovers but is too embarrassed to help.

One More | October 6, 2020

A new, pretty and kind wolf named Everest joins the pack. Not suited to the tougher roles of a warrior and scouting, and having the pup-sitter role filled many times over, she takes her place as the pack's Royal Scientist and Herbalist. Hematite is struck with a case of the... poopies... and Everest easily creates something to help him out.

Quail, Wren, and Bluejay are all weaned on this day, and the three run around, now filled with more chaotic energy than ever before.

New Blood | October 7, 2020

Five new pups, Dune, Essos, Mercury, Kodiak, and Sherlock, along with their mother, Quicksand, join Bluecrown. Quicksand requests an aduience with the royal family and admits that she must leave as soon as her pups are weaned. The royals accept her plea to keep them in the pack, and even go as far as adopting the pups as their own; they are now princesses and princes. Quicksand's stunning pup, Sherlock, is named the heir of Bluecrown!

Time's Passing | October 15, 2020

It's been a week and not much has changed for the wolves of Bluecrown. Unfortunately, two unnamed puppies passed away. The first was found encircled by ravens. The pup had gone missing earlier, and it brought great pain to the pack that a puppy so young should have his life cut short. Half a month later, another puppy was too eager while eating and choked on a sharp bone. It was shocking to lose another pup so soon. Later, Kodiak was nipped after arguing with another pup about meal rights. It would seem he was the victor as he was yelling "You should see the other guy!" at any wolf that would listen. The four pups, Quail, Wren, Bluejay, and Snowfall all aged up! Rusty aged up half a month after.

Regardless of the pack's efforts to keep the young alive, Kodiak passed away, choking during a meal. The pack mourned for the spunky pup.

Winter's Theft | October 19, 2020

The winter stole a pup from the pack, an unnamed puppy that was left unprotected due to the lack of sitters. Another two pups were injured as well: one had tumbled down the hill and had her side snagged on a sharp, thorny branch on the way down. The other woke Hematite up, yapping about a "monster fish" that had tried to eat her by the lake. The bite impression that she showed him made Hematite wonder if there really are monsters in the river. 

Chimney aged up! As he was a scout apprentice, his ceremony for his scout role was today. The wolves cheered his name as he was given his role.
HTML by Lila #225. Do not remove credit

⚡️foggy doggy ⚡️

Posted 2020-10-14 23:12:14


⚡️foggy doggy ⚡️

Posted 2020-10-14 23:18:03 (edited)

Naming Rights

While a wolf may name their pups anything they’d like, certain names may be claimed, or reserved, by the royal family. As multiple wolves cannot have the same name at the same time, the naming rights document lists names taken by the royal family for future pups. If the royal family decides to  use or “give away” a name, it will be removed from the document until the wolf with that name passes on, upon which the royal family may decide to claim that name once more.

claimed names









Wolves with royal blood may decide to use the surname “Bluecrown”. This is commonly put after their given name.

⚡️foggy doggy ⚡️

Posted 2020-10-14 23:56:24 (edited)


(sun and moon)

It is said that a secret faction or organization is hidden with the Bluecrown Pack. This group, known solely as sol et luna, or sun and moon, is a radical, almost cult-like, organization that participate in dangerous, and possibly unethical, experiments. These experiments can range from deadly traps, to live wolf experiments. 

No one knows if the royal family is part of this organization; if they are, they keep it well hidden. 

This may arise many questions: who created the organization? who is a part of it? is anyone truly safe?

Answers will come in time.


Members of Sol Et Luna

- -


A Diary of Experiments

1. Prey traps - MONDAY:

We have started working on something simple: prey traps. Food has been scarce due to the puppy boom the pack has been experiencing. Our hunters have turned to pup-sitting to make sure our young survive. S has come up with a brilliant idea that could possibly bring in food for the pack, however little. We need wood, string from the humans, metal or glass, and a few other parts. What we have in mind should be able to take down a few hares and beavers. 

[experiment results: day 1 / successful]

2. Disease prevention - THURSDAY:

Our members have been thinking about disease prevention, and during our last meeting, it was the most popular topic. While we still do not know much about certain diseases (bless Everest, she’s been trying so hard, but we aren’t sure if she would be up for our methods). A new prisoner, #001, has stumbled into our paws. With a case of diarrhea, he is a perfect subject for testing. We are curious to know all about his disease; while we know it’s not fatal, it’s best to start small. We’ve been visiting #001 in rotations, to try and limit our exposure to him. We wouldn’t want to make anyone suspicious of one or more of us came down with a case of the browns. Examination will occur for one week, and samples will be taken everyday. While we are not currently trying to make any huge discoveries, these samples and observations will be used in the future, hopefully with other test subjects.

[samples taken: 7 / observations: disease progressively worsened until it seemed to disappear on its own. #001 was released from our custody and threatened to keep quiet. off he went into the night, later thrown out by hematite.] 


⚡️foggy doggy ⚡️

Posted 2020-10-19 12:39:48 (edited)

culture and religion wip

notes to eventually make into a clean post

  • Tradition: bluecrown wolves go on an expedition each week to collect items for their experiments and inventions; half of the pack goes one week, the other half goes the next, then the first half again, etc.
  • Reading and writing information
  • More information on how bluecrown wolves have a relationship with the ocean and animals (especially birds)
  • Cute crafts for the wolves
  • Storytelling ritual info

  • Different ruling thing

  • A cool name for the lead

  • Pack likes to go on expeditions collecting items for their experiments and inventions

  • Generally peaceful and sociable pack with clever minds

  • The pack often settles near human villages/settlements so that they can study the humans

  • Defenses are scattered throughout the territory of Bluecrown

  • Their culture greatly focuses on the storytellers (the older wolves) of the pack; they believe that the knowledge and wisdom of past ancestors passes down to the old wolves

  • More information about religion and culture. What I’m thinking is that the wolves are very curious and question the beliefs of other wolf packs. They’ve come to the conclusion that the wolves believe in what they believe in, not because they have proof, but that their faith keeps them going. As a result, there is religious diversity within the pack; each wolf has the freedom to choose what they want to believe—or not believe— in

  • The wolves are very civilized and each pup is taught to read and write; their way of writing is using various materials and smearing it on their paws, which is then used to write on stone

  • The wolves of Bluecrown have a very close relationship to the ocean, the sun, and birds and often keep companions, their versions of pets. They are excellent swimmers and often keep companions, their version of pets. As many ocean animals cannot be kept by the wolves, they choose to keep birds. These companions are not caged or chained, but roam free on the territory. The wolves refrain from killing and/or eating any birds, and it is a crime to harm or kill one.

  • Bluecrown wolves are very skilled at creating things with just their paws and mouths. Various crowns are crafted for the wolves, made from things like flowers, twigs, feathers, shells, stones, and grass. 

  • One singular wolf does not rule the kingdom; there is a council in which all the wolves of the council make decisions for the good of the pack

  • The wolves of Bluecrown are an extremely tight group, focused mainly on loyalty

  • Every night, before the wolves sleep, a wolf must grab the flint and steel, found in the inventions cave, so that they may start a small fire (for dramatic lighting) and tell a story to the rest of the pack. Woven blankets are pulled from the stone shelves and are thrown onto the ground to provide a soft resting area for the wolves while they listen to the story. A new wolf becomes the storyteller each night. 

Role names

Leader >> Golden Sun (our Golden Sun, the Golden Sun, Golden Sun)

Second in Command >> Battlehound (Hound of War, Battlehound)

⚡️foggy doggy ⚡️

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