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Home Biome Info

Home Biome Info
Posted 2021-02-02 19:45:29

Hey everyone, I'm planning on moving my pack around a bit next lead but in the mean time I'm itching for knowledge on living in the other biomes. Currently im living in the mountains. 

I'm mostly looking for information on:

Your favorite/least favorite part about living in your biome

What stats your hunters have in their roles and how successful they are. (For example my stalker has 280 wisdom/smarts and can routinely sniff out large trails while my other stalker has 179 wisdom/smarts and can hardly find her way home ((critter and small trails. Synergy is not maxed out and neither is stalking on my second wolf)

How useful do you find your home biome herbs?

Whats the fishing leaderboards look like?

What areas can you hunt in?

Whats your favorite weather/time of day in your home biome? 

Anything else I should consider when changing home biomes?


Posted 2021-02-02 23:00:40

I had a whole response typed out and then left the page accidentally :') I hate this---

So, I live in the Coniferous Forest and I moved from the Mountains.

Favorite & least favorite:
Uh, I don't really have a favorite or least favorite part lol. Although I really love the Coniferous Forest hunting art :o

Hunting party:
Success rate's gone down pretty majorly. In the Mountains, my hunting party [of EXPERIENCED hunters of level 10+] had about a 3/5 success rate; here, it's more 1-2/5. HOWEVER, 2 of my previous hunters died and 2 retired, so only 1 from the old party remains, meaning the hunting party here is less experienced. Their stats are as follows: [Stalker] Level 8, 309 total stats, 76 wisdom & 85 smarts, 88% proficiency. [Finisher, and newest member] Level 6, 331  total stats, 68 strength, 74% proficiency. [Chaser 1, most experienced member as she came from old party] Level 12, 458 total stats, 131 speed &  152 agility, 100% proficiency. [Chaser 2, second-least experience] Level 7, 293 total stats, 53 speed and 78 agility, 88% proficiency. [Chaser 3] Level 7, 290 total stats, 73 speed and 78 agility, 91% proficiency. The hunting success rate since the newest member's joined is 37/85.

How useful are my home biome herbs:
Maybe worse then Mountains, but I don't pay much attention lol. I think I get Charcoal fairly often, which is good for Diarrhea/healing salves, but I no longer get Winterfat [I don't think it's found here] which is a pity.

Fishing leaderboards:
There's a good range of fish, with it being fairly common to get fish around ~5 lb, but I've seen fish up to 37 & 41 lb before [Black Carp and Legendary Green Sturgeon respectively]. The person in first place on the biome leaderboard before rollover usually has around ~200 lb total.

What areas can I hunt in:
Well, this is the hunting art. [Spring, Day, specifically.]

The furthest left is the Northwoods, second-furthest is the Aspen Parklands, second-furthest right is Rapids, and the furthest-right is Redwood Forest. [My personal favorite is Redwood Forest.] The past few days my hunters have been getting medium trails again, and they've caught 1 deer [a blacktail I think]; on small trails they've caught pheasants and beavers, on critter trails I think they've caught hares? [Can't remember much, lol.]

Favorite weather/time of day:
Dawn is probably my favorite time of day! As for weather... I'm not sure, probably either Rain or Fog?

Anything else to consider when changing biome:

It's probably best to do it when you have a fairly small pack, and in spring or summer, so you can sustain them fairly easily with the higher hunting difficulty. You'll probably also want to be stocked up on SC/GC in case you do need to buy food or amusement at any time. If your hunting party is young with decent proficiency, you'll do fine; my problems with hunting came from the fact that my old hunters died and I had to replace them with low-proficiency wolves. I'd also suggest checking out this image to see what herbs can and can't be found in the new biome, and stocking up on any herbs that can't be found there that can be found in your home biome. And that's about it :)

︴▹ speedyscout 🏔️

Posted 2021-02-02 23:05:20
Wow that hunting art is gorgeous thank you so much for uploading it for me. I really love the hunting options - though Im not sure I could pick  a favorite. Those are all really good suggestions. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this, twice no less!


Posted 2021-02-02 23:06:25

@Cloudeh -- Yes, the hunting art is like, a huge part of why I moved! xD It's really gorgeous. And you're welcome, hope it helps! ^v^

︴▹ speedyscout 🏔️

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