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Custom decor commissions? How do they work?

Custom decor commissions? How do they work?
Posted 2021-01-29 12:59:26

SO uh- any artists currently taking commissions for custom decor, how're you going about it?

I'm interested in taking some decor comms, but I don't really like the idea of the commissioner being able to sell/profit off 'em if that makes sense? I'm just wondering how you guys are doing it, or if you just let 'em sell/upload without thinking much of it.

I'm thinking of maybe taking the commissions, but I still upload the decor and then send them the three decor uses I get from uploading the decor? If you were a potential commissioner, would you go for something like that or would you be put off? 
I don't know if it's a good idea or too complicated, and I'd love some ideas/suggestions for what the best way to do decor commissions is- 


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