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The new quest snake...

Posted 2020-10-08 20:21:08

^^ Agreed             

xena | recessive breeder

Posted 2020-10-09 10:20:19 (edited)

I noticed she's a corn snake, and a few others are, so yeah, I just call her Candy. Plus its the best Halloween-snake pun. XD

Most of her quests make me squint at her - I have no trust. I do think things will get gradually harder as we progress. That just seems natural. But some of them already feel like it's hard enough? I dunno. I guess we'll find out.


Posted 2020-10-10 21:34:17

I mean.... candy has a sinister side, too? But honestly with that theme, Hallow? Kin? 

But based on a few previous comments... I propose Charlie! After Charles Darwin - just a bit friendlier/more obscure than "Darwin" and also unisex, so anyone can pick a gender! 
Since he phrases this as "show me your wolves can hunt" and whatnot... like... rude...
Not to mention picking things that seem impossible - a kind of forced evolution, like he's lording it over you...
I mean, come on
Stop these things.

Also... I do like benny but had to google that and I'm disappointed in myself...


Posted 2020-10-10 22:45:46

Charlie does have a nice ring to it but my nerdy Twilight brain went right to Bella's dad,lol.

No shame in googling historical figures and/or events, that's how we remember/learn after all!

Lady Lannister

Posted 2020-10-11 08:47:26

He keeps asking me for 7-8 successful hunts. Yea right


Posted 2020-10-11 09:22:11

Ikr,it's like: 'Benny, what the actual frack bro?! Let me just go move that mountain, easier on the ol' joints and sanity.'

Lady Lannister

Posted 2020-10-11 10:34:58

I vote Candy for a candy corn snake. 

You think candy corn is going to be good but then after a few you're very disappointed in it and your decisions.

Just my two cents on the name debate. ^^


Posted 2020-10-11 13:16:57

I like candy corn personally but I still feel that comment on a spiritual level
Candy is very good lol. 
Sad charlie didn't go over but I get it
I had no idea there was a charlie in twilight???


Posted 2020-10-11 13:24:40

Murphy's cousin over here hasn't been too mean to me yet . I honestly think all the hunting stuff is just RNG . I had a quest for 7 successful hunts . I more or less got it . I got 6 successful hunts which is average for my team at the moment . The ones that suck are the item ones for me but even those aren't toooo bad . 


Posted 2020-10-11 13:35:04

I kind of like the idea of Murphys cousin being gender neutral charlie just to mess with people, but candy also gets me because of that one fan game from like... 6 years ago.... god I feel old... anyway 

@Sootsprite (are those the little bastards from spirited away or am I seeing something)

What bothers me with the hunt quests is I swear I am always one off X)

She definitely seems nicer then murphy but theres something odd about the quests too... though today he did manage to ask for items I actually had for a change.

Phantom StarsX

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