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shifter city of HOPE character sheet OPEN

Posted 2021-02-10 19:52:58 (edited)

NAME: Thor

GENDER: male

AGE: 20 in human years, 100 years where he comes from

PERSANALITY: stubborn, brave, can laugh at a joke, enjoys messing around

HUMAN FORM: he is taller then most people, he has a eye missing, he has short hair, he wears part of a red cape since the other half was torn off by his sister hela

ABILATYS: his axe\hammer, can make thunder storms when he is angry, he can control thunder

FAMILY: his brother loki and his mother and father and his sister hela (haven't come up with names yet)

HOW OFTEN ON WOLVDEN: try to be on everyday

from: a distant planet


Posted 2021-02-10 20:00:10

Cool you can now use him

Lost Howl

Posted 2021-02-17 06:58:13

NAME: Will 


AGE: 18 years old

PERSANALITY: Loves to have fun and loves to make others laugh, very stubborn about things and very rebellious, hides his troubles with his smile.

ANIMAL FORM: takes the form of a brown lab with brown eyes

HUMAN FORM: Has dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. He likes wearing checker shirts and blue jeans. He also has a beaded necklace made by his younger sister.

ANIMAL ABILATYS: none ( so far)

FAMILY: Tobias- older brother

HOW OFTEN ON WOLVDEN: Everyday except sometimes the weekend

RANK: follower

POSITION IN SHIFTERS WORLD: with other shifters


Posted 2021-02-17 07:12:39

good you can now use this character

Lost Howl

Posted 2021-02-17 11:59:27

Hello! I was wondering if I used a character who is a furry shifter?


Posted 2021-02-17 12:21:17

yes you can be any animal even if they are mythical or made up

Lost Howl

Posted 2021-02-17 12:22:04

OK thank you!


Posted 2021-02-17 12:23:02

no problem just make sure to put a picture

Lost Howl

Posted 2021-02-17 12:26:21

Alright I will


Posted 2021-02-17 12:57:34 (edited)

NAME: Axel

GENDER: He is technically Gender fluid since two of his personalities are feminine

AGE: Unknown since time on his planet was not a thing

PERSONALITY:I don't have any ref or anything for Axel or his emotions but I  do have a little eye color chart:

White: Axel/ Host 

Red = Anger/Evil

Green = Happy/Child-like

(Female)Yellow = Caring/ Mom-like

(female) Pink= Lust/Yandere/ Self- important

Blue= Intelligence

Also they all have one item they hold dear to them and appears with them when they will for it and is the host of the body.

ANIMAL FORM: Link removed by moderator

HUMAN FORM:  Link removed by moderator

ANIMAL ABILITY'S: Enhanced strength, Speed, Sight, Can handle almost every weapon, etc

FAMILY: He has a younger brother that I might make

HOW OFTEN ON WOLVDEN: everyday on after a certain time In the afternoon.




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