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🐾💖 Lend A Paw: Help For Those In Need 💖 🐾

Posted 2021-01-22 08:58:36

Fleas are the absolute worst, I'll see if i have any flea meds to help clear up the rest of them! If nothing else my healer will get loads of xp from crafting the remedies. 


Posted 2021-01-22 09:01:13

<3 Thank you so much!  I really appreciate it!  I thought I was being economic by infesting my wolves so they wouldn't get sick until I found out that it costs more amusement to keep wolves happy.  Now with winter, my amusement and food supply is dwindling and I really need to get rid of these nasty little buggers!  Haha


Posted 2021-01-22 09:02:30

Yeah, it does help keep other diseases at bay but the risk is more than the reward imo. I only have one flea remedy in stock right-now but I'll get to crafting more ^^


Posted 2021-01-22 21:23:21

In need of help with some food and amusement. As well as any advice om keeping amusement stocks higher without having to purchase from the raccoon?


Posted 2021-01-22 21:33:45
If you have a lot of wolves sustaining their needs can prove difficult- as for amusement stocks though, I suggest exploring in biomes like desert or swamp for amusement items- as they both throw amusement items at you by the handful(for food, I suggest tundra)!

I unfortunately have no food to spare, as my finisher and stalker have recently passed and my hunting party has been a bit down ever since, BUT I can spare about 70 uses of amusement!! :D


Posted 2021-01-22 22:01:52

That is super appreciated thank you so much! Im actively cutting down on some wolves so its easier and im working on some hunting groups. After winter I usually have a better stock so I'll be able to help out too


Posted 2021-01-23 02:23:34

Thank you for helping them out @Leaf! If you need some food I'd be happy to send you some. If you like I can also put you down as a donator for your generous donation!


Posted 2021-01-23 02:33:15 (edited)

I could use some food, got one close to running. And if you would like yes, soon as spring hits again and i have more of an abundance i dont mind helping out


Posted 2021-01-23 10:55:41

I had 12 wolves but ran out of food,medicine,and amusement items. All but two of my wolves left and I think they all have fleas. I have no hunters, explores or pup sitters left. I only have my alpha,stud who's also my herbalist who's no help and my 5 month old pup


Posted 2021-01-23 11:14:31

Oh lord, ok I'll dm you. We'll figure out some solutions


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