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✨Crozart's Art Corner [CLOSED]- Humanoids - Animals - YWH pixel art - USD/GC/SC✨

Posted 2021-01-19 10:50:16

Hey everyone! Thank you for expressing your interest! It means the whole world to me <3

Jeremy, you're welcome to PM me! :)

Pike, Yes I'll do the YWH for your lead! You can set up the trade and I'll add you to my list <3

MysteryYan, Yes I'll do the YWH couple for you <3 Since it's 2 wolves, it'll be 4GC or 8 Healing Salves. You can set up the trade and I'll add you to the list if this price is okay with you! 

Just a little note:
I'll be adding a separate slot list for YWH commissions shortly. Since they are quick and easy to do, it'll hold 10 slots as opposed to the 5 slots for my custom commissions <3


Posted 2021-01-19 12:20:47

Username/ID: Depressio Espressio #2476
Description of Commission: Tarisk (Left) & Rök (Right)
Commission type: YWH (Couple)

I’d like to pay with 8 healing slaves

Depressio Wey

Posted 2021-01-19 12:58:38

hello! may i pm you? ^^


Posted 2021-01-19 14:50:46

Depressio Espressio, your commission is accepted! <3 You can go ahead and set up the trade. Once you do that, I'll add you to the list <3

Rayla, Yes please go ahead and PM me! <3


Posted 2021-01-20 20:43:51

Username/ID: Otea #12280
Description of Commission: my herbalist!
Commission type: the second YWH pixel (1 wolf)


Posted 2021-02-28 13:49:56 (edited)


1) All commission types have been given a GC/SC price
2) My humanoid commissions now include both of my usual styles (both cartoony and semi-realistic).

In other news:
I have returned from my unannounced hiatus. I apologize to anyone who has been awaiting my responses to their requests. I will be going through all submissions in a timely manner. Thank you all for your interest and support!


Posted 2021-02-28 16:43:03

hello! i’d like one of the pixels! just waiting on my medic to make the medicine. c:


Posted 2021-02-28 17:36:16

Can I take one spot? :) I'll fill the form here just in case

Username/ID: Kinseviing
Description of Commission: (please include a reference)

I'd like one of my morrowind oc ^^

She's calm and collected, usually the quiet type who likes to listen but I wouldn't say she's shy at all. She's patient, and kind, but tends to sport an unamused/stern face when she's thinking. She's a werewolf hunter and a warrior, and well let's just say it she's a clown xDDDD, loves bad puns, can't stand alcohol and is a disaster lesbian.

I'd like to give you artistic freedom if that's ok, if you'd rather have more specifications that's alright.

Some ideas that you could take or not are:

you could draw her wearing a werewolf hide (like the head and mane as headdress/helmet) or just draw her chilling in a chair looking tired or badass and maybe with something sweet like some flowers on her hair. Maybe something funny like her sitting eating some cooked crab (she lost her eye because an oversized one xD)

Commission type: (sketch, lined, flat color, etc)

Cell shading


Posted 2021-02-28 21:00:34

#12280 (Ottea)
Of course! I've added you to the list <3 You can go ahead and set up the trade. 

#11410 (Noir) 

Of course! You take your time. Feel free to DM me your references and your chosen YWH base or you can send it here. Which ever works for you. :) Once you've done that, I'll add you to the list.

#9755 (Kinseviing)
I love her OMG <333 Yes I'll put you in a slot! I'll send you a DM once I'm ready to start working on it. I'll discuss the price and so on then.

Thank you all for your support!


Posted 2021-02-28 21:45:26

awesome!! i’ll pm you the info :p i’m cool with you posting it here! just lemme know if you need anything else. 


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