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Price Check | Potential Melanism Carrier Pups

Price Check | Potential Melanism Carrier Pups
Posted 2021-01-05 18:56:29 (edited)

I'm honestly just not great at knowing how to price things, so I'm wondering if I can get some advice here. None of the puppies here are confirmed carriers as they're too young to scry, but their stud is melanistic, so there's a chance they could pass it on. 

Two of them have fox eyes. I don't really keep up with what's "popular" with genes - I just buy what looks nice to me personally - but I know fox eyes are new and cool, and I have two that inherited them from their father.

1. Caramel M|5m|219 Pos.Mela

2. Skarn M|3m|222 Pos.Mela

3. Skarn F|5m|218 Pos.Mela


Posted 2021-01-09 14:32:27

So from what I've seen, potential carriers sell for 1-2 gc, as much as 5 gc sometimes

i think you could charge 7-10 gc for the fox eyes, but not really sure. Maybe check out some auction sites with similar pups?

Lily [Mutie Breeder]

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