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☼SunClan | OOC☼

☼SunClan | OOC☼
Posted 2020-12-29 19:50:39 (edited)

☼SunClan: Reborn☼

Roleplay Thread

Sign-Up Thread

SunClan is a clan older than the very firs they once lived beneath. For generations, they hunted among the fallen needles without disruption by twolegs or predators. And then, the fire nation attacked. Their territory and their numbers were decimated. Still they persisted, but the land was barren and their ranks stretched thin. Each cat went to sleep hungry.

Finally, StarClan sent their medicine cat a sign. SunClan had to abandon their old home and seek a new land. After nearly a moon of wandering, Foxstar found their new territory: the redwood forest. Though they have found their new home, they still face many challenges: exploring the territory, marking borders, and deterring any predators. Only time will tell how they fare from here.

One day in-roleplay is two weeks. Ex. A she-cat who is 6 weeks pregnant on the first day will have kits on the second day.


Posted 2020-12-29 19:50:50 (edited)

☼SunClan Ranks☼

Leader—Foxstar—4y2m—She-cat—PansexualScarred white with tortoiseshell patches and odd eyes—BowheadBoy#610


Medicine Cats

Pinepetal—4y2m—She-cat—Bisexual—Long ruddy fur with amber eyesDavina#32681

Medicine Cat ApprenticeJuniperpaw—8m—She-cat—Demibisexual—Gray tabby with blue eyesJuniper#31615


*Crookedcrow—TomRaventide and Heronheart's father—NPC

*Echowing—She-catShadedfern's mother—NPC

*Fadeddove—She-catRaventide and Heronheart's mother—NPC

*Fallenshadow—TomShadedfern's father—NPC

*Onyxclaw—She-catDaystep's father—NPC

*Dappleflight—TomDaystep's father—NPC

Sleetwhisker—5y—TomWhite, with sparse blue patches—Venom Mom#17213

*Honeybriar—4y2m—Tom—Pinepetal's littermateNPC/Adoptable!

Mudsong—4y—She-cat—HomoflexibleSeal point tortoiseshell with minimal white spotting—20mia08#18414

Shadedfern—3y2m—Tom—Bisexual—Black tabby and white with green eyes—Tiger#12334

*Basilgaze—3y2m—She-catShadedfern's sister—NPC

*Sageflight—3y2m—TomShadedfern's brother—NPC/Adoptable!

Raventide—2y7m—Tom—Demibisexual—Handsome silver lynxpoint—Tiger#12334

*Heronheart—2y7m—Tom—Raventide's brother—NPC/Adoptable!

Spiderfang—2y3m—Tom—Bicurious—Dark ticked tabby with pale yellow eyes—BowheadBoy#610

Daystep—2y3m—She-cat—Bisexual—Tortoiseshell with striking split markings—Tossico#17378

Fognose—1y2m—She-cat—Demihomosexual—Silver tabby with green eyesΤίγρη#36501


Hawkpaw—8m—Tom—QuestioningGolden tabby with green eyes—BowheadBoy#610

Dawnpaw—8m—Tom—DemisexualHandsome tabby with a crooked jaw—20mia08#18414

Duckpaw—7m—She-cat—Pansexual—Brown and white tortoiseshell with odd eyesStabby#18989




*BadgerstripeTom—Heterosexual—Brown tabby tom—NPC

*Leopardbite—TomDawnpaw's grandfather—NPC/Adoptable!

*Hollytail—She-catShadedfern's grandmother—NPC

Palestripe—8y8m—Tom—Heterosexual—Cream tabby with foreleg scars and green eyes—Rain#9726

*Fallowfang—TomShadedfern's grandfather—NPC

*RunningstormTom—Spiderfang's father—NPC


Remus—2y2m—Tom—Demisexual—Giant long-furred silver tabby20mia18#18414




Posted 2020-12-29 19:51:58 (edited)

Foxstar | Relationships:

Mudsong - Close friend/love interest

Swamppatch - Friend/love interest

Hawkpaw | Relationships:

Foxstar - Aunt

Mudsong - Mentor

Duckpaw - Denmate

Spiderfang | Relationships:

Honeycloud - friend?

Sleetwhisker - denmate, friend?

Raventide - denmate, friend?, love interest

Shadedfern - denmate, friend

Daystep - friend?

Fognose - friend?


Posted 2020-12-31 08:56:20 (edited)

Mudsong's Relationships:

Foxstar - close friend/love interest

Remus' Relationships:


Dawnpaw's Relationships:



Posted 2020-12-31 09:08:02

Aww poor Remus 😂 Hopefully somebody makes it their job to befriend the poor boy


Posted 2020-12-31 09:16:20

I got a little overzealous and drew Dullpaw, even though she won't be coming in until later. ;u; 
She's meant to have coarse, kinda' stiff short fur that doesn't have a sheen to it, which is where she got her name, but I don't think I did her enough justice to that in the pic.

Venom Mom

Posted 2020-12-31 09:20:37

Ah she's so cute! Your art is amazing, I wish I could do a more realistic style. I think the texture of her fur is definitely captured


Posted 2020-12-31 09:23:58

Thank you! <3 I love your stylized kitties though, they're so sweet and they're easy to read, while my style can get really muddled. :) 

Venom Mom

Posted 2020-12-31 11:02:09

And thank you! 💙


Posted 2020-12-31 16:28:53

Ya'll are both great at art! Dullpaw's a cutie- the texture of her coat's great, too (I almost said "goat")! It definitely gives me a sort of "wire-haired" vibe!

And yes, Remus is baby. Give him some time and a pat on the back and he's yours forever. 


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