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ideas for wolvden that I'm not going to officially submit

ideas for wolvden that I'm not going to officially submit
Posted 2020-12-28 12:51:23 (edited)

Features i think would be cool to add in the game(I'm too nervous to make an official suggestion to mods + I'm not good at like, proof reading and making everything clear and short/simple? Idk). Some of these have been suggested a lot by other people I believe( like the stud prices and gifting option) but I just wanted to make my own list of suggestions and how I think they should work. Feel free to comment or critique (but please don't be mean about it lol, these are just my opinions).

1. Gifting available year round! Since people instead have to make 'refunded trades' itd make sense to add that function so its simpler. (Also including the anon function) perhaps put a cap on how many gifts a person can send in a day or week? But not sure, because it's their choice if they wanna gift a bunch. There should be an option to decline gifts though! And an option to turn off gifting so that ppl can't send them gifts! And I think you should be able to open the gift to see the item/s and still have the option to decline!

2. Perhaps a birthday function? Optional if you want to show/share your birthday, maybe special gift wrapping options for anyone who gifts them on their birthday, and a possible birthday theme only available on their biryhday(but make it optional in case they simply don't want their theme changed) I just think itd be fun and brighten up a possibly shitty birthday that unfortunately is common.

3. Relating to that, themes for the site, at the very least, a dark mode option, since it hurts a lot of people's eyes to stare at all the bright white(sure, dimming your screen works a bit, but then its hard to see things like wolves colors) (this is officially a thing thats in the works via the most recent news post!, well, the dark theme part!)

4.No min sc amount on studs. Again, people are just offering partial/half/ect refunds, itd be nice to not have to jump through the hoops and have the chance of forgetting refunds and what not.

5.(highlighting this one bcuz its long so it can be skipped easier) a raffle function! Raffles seem to be quite popular within wolvden, but people often wonder if its safe to trust this person, or perhaps the person mistakes the number of tickets for things, ect. Edit:Ok so turns out that on their other game, lioden, this is already a thing! So most likely they will add it and almost everything i described is how they made it work so I'm deleting the very long description, EXCEPT for the parts that differ from the one on lioden! 

The ability to add on to the original prize(but unable to remove unless raffle canceled) and a notification to anyone already entered that something was added. Maybe say on the raffle page what was added with a date it was added. the raffle starter should get to choose how many tickets each item is worth, you should be able to add more than 10 items that you accept as entires, you should be able to select an 'any' option if you're ok with anything being submitted as a entry, of course, the 'any' option would mean all items would be worth the same amount of tickets. There should be the option to select any items that are separated so you can change the amount those items are worth.. there should be an option to blacklist items that they don't want sent for entries if they chose the 'any' option.

 maybe a default setting for items option like, any food items can be set to 1(or however many chosen by raffler) ticket per use or per item, same with amusement items, all decor would be be lumped together as well, and so on, and the raffler has the option to [set all decor as __ tickets each] and an option to open that section to change any of the individual worth or mark items not accepted. The date of the raffle can be changed/extended(maybe put a cap on how long so something doesn't go on for months?) Like [extend end date by __ days] and a notification box if the date has been extended and by how much on the raffle post. perhaps a decline option on the prize with a warning box after clicking 'are you sure you want to decline this prize? You will not receive your items entered into the raffle back' i don't know why someone would decline a prize, maybe if they won a different raffle just before? Or simply don't want it anymore? But the option should be there.

6. A 'freeze wolf' option! They would be frozen age-wise and unusable in any way, and a snowflake icon could be on them so you can tell which are frozen, or perhaps have them moved to a different page entirely. it should have some sort of cool down or something when coming off of freeze so that they can't just be frozen and unfrozen constantly! But this feature would be super helpful for people who want to play the game every day but don't want to deal with their wolves for a bit, or if they can't decide on which wolves to keep ect. (I know there is immortal function, but thats to keep the wolf forever and there isn't a way to take it back/make the wolf usable again) or/and a freeze all option, so that all your wolves are frozen instead of choosing individually, this was an option in furrypaws that I really liked because it meant I could play the game but get a break from feeding/playing/ect with the dogs. As for the effect on carcasses.. well, I think maybe no freeze, or seperate freeze where if you freeze carcasses, to be unable to receive/buy carcasses, so that you can't hoard it, as that would make the winter season completly pointless. This should also be the same for amusement items, tho doing that would make exploring pointless if you can't gain items/trophies, so I think only a 'whole inventory freeze'  option should be available, and that doing so would make any receiving/buying of items impossible. Perhaps a warning like 'you will not be able to buy or receive items from explore/ect by doing this' so I think pretty much youd only be able to get sc/gc. (Oh also, I'm thinking the lead wolf shouldn't be affected by freezing, so that exploring is still possible.)

7. A way to default what cave all pups go to when weaned.(instead of having to do it individually). Edit: they have removed the ability to choose what cave they go to when weaned 🙃 so like, id like that option back.

8. Remove the 'paywall' for the play all/feed all function, or at the very least make it a one time payment. If you were to pay for gold cones just to use this feature, you'd be paying 30$ a year, which may not be a bad price overall for a yearly bill, BUT it does start being a lofty price for a game after two years(considering any console games are a 60$ one time purchase on release, which often lowers to 30$ later). And that's if you only bought enough gold cones for just that feature and not anything else in the Grove or around the site! Yes, you can argue that you can buy gold cones with silver from trading center, but at the current rate in the market of 70sc=1gc, you'd be paying 8400sc a year and thats only if the price remains around 70sc per gc. I have trouble just making 1k sc, and I stalk the market and sell herbs/change prices throughout the day, which already takes quite a lot of time, and I'd rather spend that on other things around the site instead of putting it all towards a feature to make a game i want to play not tedious. It shouldnt feel tedious in the first place! And I've seen a lot of people comment how that feature is a deal breaker on playing the game, and honestly it almost is for me too, I often don't want to rollover because it means having to go through that tedious task again when I have around 70 wolves and 60 pups, but I also want to, you know, play the game, and that cant be done if you don't rollover. I'm going to quote a post I seen on tumblr:

"Again, not trying to say the devs don't deserve compensation for what they do! What I am saying is that the Feed all/play all service does not warrant compensation, because it is a solution to a problem the developers created themselves for the purpose of monetizing frustration, mobile game style."

Another reason I'm not officially submitting this suggestion is because im very anxious and afraid of the possible backlash from the creator/s, I'm not saying they would, but I do feel they probably disagree because they like getting paid for that feature, and I cant blame them for wanting to get paid for all the work they've done, but as the quote mentions, I'd rather pay that money for other features..

9. Allow viewing messages/chatter when you have yet to rollover. I feel that since messages/forums are real-time and not based on when RO happens(other than the RO summery message, but you wouldn't have that message until you RO) that they should be accessible when/if you haven't yet rolled over. 

10. Wearable decors like moose antlers! I want to give my wolves antlers! (This one is possibly in the works, they even mentioned custom decors created by users?! So I could maybe make my own if no one else does! Unless I misinterpreted what they meant 

Edit: not a fan of the extra cones it charges for custom decor(on top of the creators fee) not really sure why it needs that when you already have to spend cones to make a custom decor.

11. ELDERS. I think itd be cool if when the wolf turns 6 or 7, they change a little to show their age art-wise. Honestly idc if its just a little bit, I just think itd be nifty! Also maybe some sort of function changes with being elderly, like slower energy regen.

12.ability to search for something specific in explore! Like, say you want to find a specific enemy, being able to search for that enemy would be really helpful/cool. Of course, there should be some sort of exchange for being able to search for a specific enemy/ect, like maybe it takes a chunk of your energy to do so, and of course the levels of enemy should still be randomized, and maybe a chance of failure in the search, so it takes the chunk of energy and you end up with nothing, or the failure leads you 'running into' a different enemy by mistake instead. 

13.the ability to add specific items from a drop down menu that you want in return for your trade. The drop down menu should be like the one on the search>items page, but when you select an item, a picture icon shows up in a box similar to the 'search items' box when making a trade. this way people can ask for specific items for their trade. should have a buyout option, except the buyout is whatever items are asked for in the trade.

14. It can feel pointless and frustrating when someone gets 5 rare drops in a day and youve gotten no rare drops for 2 weeks. The randomness is great, but when you keep getting the fail dice for weeks in a row, it feels pointless to even try, so i propose that there be a counter added to explore (maybe on each biome?) And every certain number of explores, it gives a little increase for a rare drop probability. This way, even if someone gets bad luck consistently with the random rolls, they eventually get a guaranteed drop! And of course, the increased probability should reset to the normal amount after any rare drop. Unsure whether this probability should be combined or seperate for different things, as in enemy battle drops and explore drops(recipes ect).

15. There should be a feature that counts how many times you've explored in each biome, along with rewards for exploring certain amounts(e.g. 50 explores, 100, 200, ect) kinda similar to the daily login reward! Unsure if this feature should reset at a certain point like the daily rewards do, but it would make sense. Though if it does reset, I think itd be cool to have a seperate counter for the total amount of times explored!
And on that note..

16. I love seeing stats of the stuff I do! I'd love if more stats were added to the game for several things, off the top of my head, amount of wolves diagnosed/cured, amount of pups bred(bought not counted), amount of wolves sold, amount of wolves chased, amount of wolves that died, amount of items crafted, amount of items sold and bought in trading center, amount of enemies fought, amount of wins/loses, amount of individual enemies fought(e.g. how many bison you've fought) amount of lucky feet used  and possibly stats for different encounters(e.g. amount of times you've met egg).
I know some of these are somewhat easy to calculate using the user log, like the lucky feet, but itd be nice to just have a stat page for things, just for fun! I like seeing how much I've done! 

17.On the pupsitter page where you assign wolves to pupsit, it would be nice if it listed all the pups you have with their survival chance next to them! This way, you can see which pups have 100% survival without a pupsitter, so you can remove them to increase protection on the pups that need it. Right now, its so hard to deal with moving pups around and check how protected they are, and if they need one, and then removing pups and reassigning different ones, and then checking again if the pups have full survival or not. It would be so much easier if their survival chance was shown on one page next to their respective pups, and all pups being shown, including the ones with pupsitters, so you can decide to remove them or switch them ect, and you should be able to see which pups have sitters and which don't. Choosing the pupsitter could be a dropdown box next to each puppy and then click 'save changes'.

17. The price of gold cones it takes to retire your breeding male, it would be nice if there simply wasn't a fee, but if there has to be a fee, it should change price with the age of the wolf, as in, the older the wolf gets, the lower the price to retire!

18.stats for fishing! I wanna know how many Ive caught(not just sumbitted), and what my all time largest catch was. Along with that, I'd love if there was a list of all the fish and whether or not I'd caught one before(maybe including the largest I've caught of each fish) possibly it should be unknown what fish I havnt caught (like question marks instead of saying what it is, or maybe only do that with really rare/special ones.).

19. The way you catch fish. I have trouble with reaction time, even the slower moving ones for fishing i often fail, itd be nice if there was a different option of fishing, though I don't know what.. 


Posted 2020-12-28 12:51:51

[Reserved just in case]


Posted 2020-12-28 12:52:11
[Reserved just in case]


Posted 2020-12-28 18:27:56

as for 3, they are working on a dark theme for wolvden!! it was in a tumblr post some time back;;; i would imagine theyre still doing that rn


Posted 2020-12-28 18:57:40

Nice! I figured they would, that one is like, super requested I think 


Posted 2021-01-02 05:11:12

Added 8th and 9th suggestions, Jan 2 2020 6am 


Posted 2021-01-23 21:07:00

Would making mock up pages of how I'm imagining some of these to look be overzealous? 


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