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The Economy

The Economy
Posted 2020-12-27 14:26:14

So I was just wondering what everyone thought of the current game economy. As Ive seen there are people extremely frustrated with it and others who aren’t too bothered or are indifferent. So I was just curious about the overall consensus and opinions on it. 

To clarify, I don’t only just mean the TC prices but also stud prices. Do you all think things are being priced well or are things overly expensive or cheap? Is there a reason for thinking certain things are being under or over priced in your opinions, or are you happy with the current way certain items are priced at (bought and sold)? 

Any thoughts on why you think studs should be priced differently? Do you think you should be charging more for some things but are seeing lower priced studs or items doing better at being purchased? 

That sort of stuff, im just really curious is all

🌵NIB Brachy Breeder🌵

Posted 2020-12-27 18:50:09

Stud prices do seem to be coming down. This game is interesting vs some other similar ones because availability changes so slowly, thanks to the % chances of inheritance.  Which I think is nice, if you get something rare it holds value a bit longer.  It also means this game takes more patience.  

I'm a bit bummed that wolves overall are so cheap and hard to sell on the TC, but that seems inevitable.  There are more wolves being born than players have room for.


Posted 2020-12-28 00:03:40 (edited)

I think a lot of the economy prices might have been a result, at least in part, of a lack of SC in circulation. Now that the game's been out for a couple months there's more to go around, and people have big enough dens to turn their attention to buying things other than more slots. Maybe I've just been getting lucky, but my trades, including for pups, have been getting bought a lot more lately, and a lot faster. I know I've been doing more buying recently. I think people are getting the hang of how many pups they want to have at once, what they want to breed for, etc., and that's helping to slow the boom of pups on the market, and is raising their prices to a fairer point. And the addition of pair bonding has definitely been good for the pup market, especially for boys. 

No real opinions on the stud market. Some things probably should be priced more because of rarity, but on the other hand I appreciate that if I go looking for a stud they're probably going to about 200SC regardless of what markings they have (unless, of course, they're one of the new tier IIIs or have a mutation).


Posted 2020-12-28 10:49:21

I think at the rate it goes there will be a sort of 'choke hold' on making money. Wolvden is incredibly stiffling in ways to make money.

Alan Dracula

Posted 2022-06-08 01:32:54 (edited)
Bumping so my "Option to keep decor on saved dynasty wolves" locked topic gets shoved down to the bottom of my (YA) page Nvmd, it didn't change the order

🌵NIB Brachy Breeder🌵

Posted 2022-06-08 07:22:41
Really not sure. I've done pretty well earning GC by selling stuff I scavenge; it just takes patience. Money is harder to earn since the hunting updates, but leveling got better so...

I only have one other sim to compare with. There are fewer items, so it's much harder to make money fast. People also prefer to use their own studs there, so you can occasionally make money but no one sees it as essential. When I change studs in a few days I plan to just see what NBWs with that base are and offer a bit under that. More curious to see if people are interested than desperate for money.

Still think they could kick-start more GC flowing if they let you chose to keep decor on dead wolves. I don't mind buying CD for a one time use.

🍂 Leonca 🐆

Posted 2022-06-22 19:57:33
I dont really agree with the hunting thing cause after you get your hunting parties working well together you can catch more big prey with the occasional small or medium, I end up catching way too much prey (I have 76 wolves) which works for me so I sell the large ones for double the use which if you spend most of your day on here and only look for prey in the +15 areas you get atleast 16 x whatever many parties you can send out with multiple succesful hunts your making at most 2560sc a day - I have around 20,000sc now because of that (a weeks worth of selling). Idk about anyone else but I think the hunting update really helped things for me cause I had trouble coughing up 250sc a day.

But yeah pricing is really wonky atm, wolves are either overpriced and never sold or really cheap - same goes for certain items.


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