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Grulla Breeding Project (refunded studding to those who help) GRULLA PUPPY

Grulla Breeding Project (refunded studding to those who help) GRULLA PUPPY
Posted 2020-12-25 15:54:00 (edited)

Grulla Wolf Breeding Project

Meet Raegris the Grulla

Ever since I first joined and read guides about genetics and saw Grulla I've been drawn to this base. By using the Grouse House Genetics Guide we can find data on how to breed this base. Grulla is a Cool Medium III base which is going to be very important to keep in mind. The only other tier 3 bases in the game that have been bred currently are Wulfenite (Warm Medium III), Fox (Warm Medium III), Mojave (Warm Medium III), Serpentine (Cool Dark III), and Pyrope (Warm Dark III). So far it seems you can only breed a tier 3 base from breeding a tier 3 with a tier 2 or 1, so I believe that the best bases to use to breed Grulla are either Galena, Maltese, or Diorite and this will be based off those 3 as they are all the same genetics wise. 


GalenaMaltese, and Diorite are all tier 2 while Grulla is in the same color category but in tier 3. 

I + III74% I, 25% II, 1% III
II + III49% I, 50% II, 1% III
1% chance to breed the correct rarity of Grulla
The plan I have come up with is to breed a GalenaMaltese, or Diorite wolf with a FoxWulfenite, or Mojave base. Now that we have the plan for the rarity sorted it is time to figure out the shade and group. 


The issue here is that both FoxWulfeniteor Mojave are both warm bases while Grulla is a cool base. Cool plus warm bases can result in any base sadly so it will take a lot of breeding to get this.

Cool + Warm30% Cool, 30% Warm, 30% Muted, 10% Monochrome
30% to breed the correct grouping of Grulla


The shade is the easy part as FoxWulfeniteor Mojave and Grulla are all medium shade. Medium and medium still doesn't guarantee medium though.

Medium + Medium25% Light, 50% Medium, 25% Dark
50% chance for the correct shade of Grulla


Serpentine is Cool Dark III which seems backward for our goal but it actually increases the chances of breeding Grulla (thank you Snowcat13 for pointing this out). Cool + cool is a 100% chance of cool again, so now all we need to worry about is dark to medium and II to III. Dark + medium is a 50% chance of medium, and II + III is the same 1% for III. So now finding the likelihood of getting Grulla from studding to a Serpentine wolf, (1.00*0.50*o.o1=0.005) is a 0.5% chance for a Grulla wolf when breeding to Serpentine! This is MUCH MUCH better than a 0.15% chance. 


The chance of getting all three of these genetic groups is (0.5 * 0.3 * 0.01 = 0.0015) 0.15%. This is gonna be a long project. 
Any help will be appreciated!! Tier 3 studs cost over 1000SC so if anyone would like to donate money or free/discounted studs to a tier 3 stud then once I have a Grulla you will get discounted studding! Any wolves with GalenaMaltese, or Diorite donations will also grant you discounted studding to a Grulla wolf once I get one. 

Let's get this Grulla!!!

Thank you Grouse House for the breeding data

miaskia (Grulla Breeder)

Posted 2020-12-25 16:01:08 (edited)

My Current Breeding Wolves:

Pups are only counted if their parent is a tier 3

Rocky | Maltese | 270 (tier I pups: 3)(tier II pups: 1)(tier III pups: 0)

Amber | Maltese | 275 (tier I pups: 0)(tier II pups: 2)(tier III pups: 0)

Permian | Diorite | 266 (tier I pups: 1)(tier II pups: 3)(tier III pups: 0)

Sky | Galena | 228 (tier I pups: 2)(tier II pups: 2)(tier III pups: 0)

Glacier | Diorite | 214 (tier I pups: 1)(tier II pups: 2)(tier III pups: 0)

Overcast | Galena | 254 (tier I pups: 1)(tier II pups: 3)(tier III pups: 0)

Ochra | Galena | 293 (tier I pups: 0)(tier II pups: 2)(tier III pups: 0)

(donated by RhoNightshade | Maltese | 345 (tier I pups: 0)(tier II pups: 0)(tier III pups: 0)

Hope | Galena | 321 (tier I pups: 1)(tier II pups: 2)(tier III pups: 0)

Skull | Galena | 266 (tier I pups: 0)(tier II pups: 0)(tier III pups: 0)

Patch | Galena | 250 (tier I pups: 0)(tier II pups: 0)(tier III pups: 0)

Cloud | Maltese | 243 (tier I pups: 0)(tier II pups: 0)(tier III pups: 0)

Salt | Diotire | 292 (tier I pups: 0)(tier II pups: 0)(tier III pups: 0)

(donated by MooMooRoma | Maltese | 283 ((tier I pups: 0)(tier II pups: 0)(tier III pups: 0)

Other's Current Breeding Wolves:

These are wolves of other people who are interested in the breeding project. Please message me about if they have puppies I don't want to search through all of them all the time. 

(owned by TiseaNyx | Galena | 475 (tier I pups: 0)(tier II pups: 0)(tier III pups: 0)

(owned by Abby) Ocean | Galena | 274 (tier I pups: 0)(tier II pups: 0)(tier III pups: 0)

(owned by Abby) Icicle | Galena | 181 (tier I pups: 0)(tier II pups: 0)(tier III pups: 0)

(owned by Abby) Starlight | Diorite | 281 (tier I pups: 0)(tier II pups: 0)(tier III pups: 0)

(owned by Abby) Moose | Galena | 305 (tier I pups: 0)(tier II pups: 0)(tier III pups: 0)

Want to support the project and get free studding?

miaskia (Grulla Breeder)

Posted 2020-12-25 16:01:16 (edited)

Money spent on this project:

GC: ~220

SC: ~540 or more


Will get refunded Grulla studding!

What can you donate to help?

Fox, Wulfenite, Serpentine, and Mojave free/discounted studding, GC, SC, Wolves with cool medium II base, instant pup delivery, sex changers, and more!

Anyone who donated to LightTaylor's Fox Base project will also get refunded studding to the Grulla project!

If you wish to donate shot me a mail with how you'd like to help! Even something small helps :3

-MooMoo: donated Roma

-Leek: donated 2GC

-Lightbird: donated 52SC & 2GC

-Han: donated 10GC

-Rho: donated Nightshade

-KiloNiner: 10GC discount on Serpentine Stud

-Graciegra: free traditional breedings (w/ or w/o feather)

-Hellzii: donated 4GC

-Kylie: free Fox studding

-Puppila: 300SC and 10GC

-Kiki: discounted fox studding

-Zero: discounted stud

-Shiba: 15 nesting material

-RatKing: 100SC and 2 nesting material

-Garu: 150SC and 2 nesting material

-Zamgli: 101SC and 3GC

-Mudclover: grulla stud

Failure Puppies for Sale



The next person to donate 10GC or more get's this adorable pup (as long as they want him)!

He is a male Saffron (II 0.25) with 7 markings that I absolutely love, chat and me and affectionately called him "Bee"

miaskia (Grulla Breeder)

Posted 2020-12-25 16:10:29

I'll support this project! I'll go through my wolves and find some that have a good base to breed to!


Posted 2020-12-25 21:15:18

@270694 thanks!

miaskia (Grulla Breeder)

Posted 2020-12-26 00:27:11

Waahhhhhh finally im not the only one addicted to the grulla base! I do have a galena, but unfortunately it's not a stud. Although i really want to support this project, so is there any way i can help?

Mod Reset

Posted 2020-12-26 01:57:53 (edited)

So, I do have a Galena girl aging up in a few days, and I also have a diorite adult I can use!
I'll also be keeping my eyes out for cool medium girls in the TC.


Posted 2020-12-26 08:26:36 (edited)

@[7192 ] The best way to help is to either try breeding cool mediums 2’s with fox or wulfenite yourself, donating cool medium 2 gals to me to breed, or donating money to I can actually afford tier 3 studs xD

miaskia (Grulla Breeder)

Posted 2020-12-26 12:37:42

So i have this lady;


Posted 2020-12-26 23:23:19

I've bred a galena base in the past. I'd be happy to give my next one up for your cause! The female I used is on a cool down so it'll be a while. Hopefully, I'll get one out of her next litter


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