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Would our lead wolves get along?

Posted 2023-08-16 08:16:30

Hmm, I don't think our leads would be best friends, but I don't think they'd be enemies, either. Kind of like on the level of polite acquaintances; they're alright because of their personalities, but I feel like your lead wouldn't be too happy with Elinoria's selfishness.


Posted 2023-08-16 10:17:11
I think both our leads would be a bit okay since they both fell in the same category, With Ravien and Elinoria probably tolerating each others presence personality wise!


Posted 2023-08-17 16:53:34
dapple is optimistic, and i think she'd get on awesome with your lead! i have a feeling that she would like feather, but I don't know if dapple would absolutely LOVE the fishing trips...

Posted 2024-01-25 07:47:43
probably ...? maybee? my lead is pretty dumb but your lead might have SOME patience with him for a lil bit haha xD

🏔️❄️Skeever🐀 🏔️

Posted 2024-01-29 05:09:21
My Pack Leader True-Wolf I has the Fair personality and falls in the Friendly personality type.
Our wolves might get alound.

TrueStar (hepatitis)

Posted 1 day ago (edited)
My wolf might get along with yours


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