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Bonded Pair: Need Opinions!

Bonded Pair: Need Opinions!
Posted 2020-12-22 12:33:56

hello everyone! <3 

I've run into a little bit of a predicament with my bonded pair! mods please move this if it's in the wrong place... 

one of my latest breedings produced this boy - there's something about him that I just find gorgeous, and even though keeping males is kind of not my thing, I decided to find something for him to do. he could always be a pupsitter, but I already have two and they're husbands and I refuse to interfere 

around the same time I bought this beautiful lady, who's a tier one (also generally a no-go from me), but I think she's one of the prettiest wolves I've ever seen. 

then the bonded pair update came out, and I decided they were going to be my pair! 

but then... I got a black and white hetero pup! dun dun dun (he's also the first feldspar het pup in the game, so I'm very excited about that <33) the only problem is that he's... kind of ugly imo??

so now I'm at a crossroads... 

  • do I keep the pair as originally intended, and find something else for my het-eyed boy to do?
  • replace the original boy with the new het-eyed boy, and keep the female? 
  • sex change either the OG boy or the het-eyed boy and pair them instead? 

thanks for reading! <33 I need all the help I can get... 


Posted 2020-12-22 13:33:03

Through some real quick pup predicting I did, I personally think Darcy and Two-Face would make far prettier pups together than any other combination if you sex changed one. Plus you'll be more likely to get tier 2 puppies, of course.


Posted 2020-12-22 13:35:01

I tend to agree! that, and a sex changer is significantly cheaper than the base changer that Bennet would need. thank you so much for your feedback! <3


Posted 2020-12-23 06:21:00

Darcy and Bennett have to go together because of the Pride and Prejudice theme... why not just find another wolf to go with the hetero-eyed pup? I know you can only do two bonded pair breedings a month, but it resets at the beginning of the month so it's not really a waste if you do one or two at the end of this month, and then do two more next month. 


Posted 2020-12-23 06:46:30

omg I think I missed the part where you can do multiple bonded pair breedings?? I was under the impression you had to select them and then they paired for life LOL I guess that's kind of stupid of me... 

thank you!! 


Posted 2020-12-23 06:48:32

You can have as many pairs as you want, but can only do two bonded pair breedings a month but it resets at the beginning of every month and this month is almost over so I'm taking advantage of that. You can also disband a pair, but it will make their mood drop to zero so you'll need a lot of playthings to bring their moods back up if you do that. 


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