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a discouraged artist

Posted 2020-12-21 20:10:47

"If you’re an artist who specializes in anthros, the furry fandom on twitter and FA seems to be the way to go."

I haven't tried FA yet! Frankly... I haven't heard good things about it, but hearing you makes me think it might be worth the try! :3

I'm glad i got a com, too! it was so fun to do..


Posted 2020-12-21 20:11:33

"I figure living is expressing~"

Dinaro i think thats a smart thing to think :O


Posted 2020-12-21 20:15:20 (edited)

Thanks ~ I think its poetic

Furraffinity is...kinda janky to be honest. BUT it is a major furry hub and while furries are elsewhere I don't think any other website right now can compete in sheer numbers. Also it lets you toggle on and off NSFW art which is nice. 

It DOES have a forum section too if you like building connections on forums...since we are all talking on forums, but it is hidden underneath the 'support' button for some reason. 


Posted 2020-12-21 20:17:51

I usually get nervous talking on big forums haha. I only ever talk on wolvden and neopets forums bc the groups r so small o_0


Posted 2020-12-21 20:22:18

shhshhhj CONFIDENCE BRO also there's like...1,000 members online right now and I think the potential of 1000 people eavesdropping on your conversation is a lot. Just like here I don't think EVERYBODY on the website sees EVERY forum post I for one keep forgetting the forum even exists so there's that. 

Uhhhh you could probably find small telegram / discord groups on furraffinity to join? 

But regardless bigger is better that's a bigger audience to sell to after all ~ plus what are they even gunna do to you its not like public speaking, its just typing...


Posted 2020-12-21 20:27:39 (edited)

I found this thread, read through it, and I agree with everything that’s been said! Pricing is most definitely a self-confidence issue for me and others. I also don’t like talking on large forums with thousands of people, but Wolvden’s small community is one I’ve gotten used to! ^^

Also I saw the art you posted for Whalebone on their Free Doodles thread; it’s really great! I don’t understand why people won’t commission you. I wish I could draw as well as that :’)


Posted 2020-12-21 20:39:15

;w; omg haha thank you, ThatCorgi. Whalebones are is rlly nice too.. i wonder if they do commissions! i was in love with the way they draw eyes. so spunky and full of life.

i assume its a combination of me not being well-known, and the current pandemic making money hard to come by! that, and, i dunno.. .sdfkdjfkjdsf? ive made a few offers on fox applicator recipes, and everyone is more interested in SC and GC than art! which is fair. art is pretty, but money and cones do get you multiple pretty things haflkdjf

i originally made this post when i was feeling suuuper sad and unconfident hh. but im trying to build up confidence..! slowly!! :3c


Posted 2020-12-22 11:09:52 (edited)

Sorry to join the conversation late, I don't have too much to add bc great points have already been made (and I definitely need help myself ;;) I don't consider myself in the "furry fandom" ig but with the amount of cats and monsters I draw, I'm sure by some people's definition I am a furry (edit: and furries are cool) Maybe I should make a FA account at some point. I definitely need to improve my wolf drawings though, planning to do that over Christmas break,,,, selling things is so hard though. I've tried a couple times and it's not easyyy

ANOTHER EDIT BC I'M WORRIED I ACCIDENTALLY INTERRUPTED you'll do great!!! I'm really bad at pricing, I try to encourage others to raise prices but there's definitely an issue with reasonable prices being overshadowed by artists who are cheaper so it's tough!!


Posted 2020-12-22 11:28:54
I feel like none of ya'll know the importance of the phrase 'fake it till you make it" 😂
Yeah Furrafinity has 'ferals' and 'anthros' along with monsters and mechs so it's pretty open as long as you're not human, I've seen some humans, but they're not nearly as popular. I've also seen things completely random since Furraffinity has tags for crafts and stuff, but again not as popular. 
Also keep in mind that your art will never be perfect, I am not saying that to discourage you rather, I always push off making comics and stuff under the idea of 'I'll do this when I'm a better artist' but it's been years and that day still hasn't come. So if you wait until you're 'better at drawing wolves' you might never open up a shop. Plus some people make their anatomical issues their 'style' so just embrace it. 


Posted 2020-12-23 03:01:43

AimPyre you didnt interrupt at all!! ur fine omg ily


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