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Rekindled Ruins | Unique Warrior Cat Discord Roleplay!

Rekindled Ruins | Unique Warrior Cat Discord Roleplay!
Posted 2020-12-18 15:39:21

Rekindled Ruins

Semi literate to literate | Semi Realistic | PG-13 | Discord focused

About the Roleplay

The Roleplay itself is about four clans from a forest far away having escaped a fire and taking over a new forest where they built themselves into large forces known as Kingdoms. They have new ranks, new ways of life, and advancements. Slowly these cats discover new tools like Firefly jars and fake legs!

While we have kingdoms however, we also have a Clan who are stuck in the old ways. Thinking the kingdoms have lost their way and drifted from Starclan they have turned their back on the new ways and returned to the old.

Can you survive the new world or will you wish to join the old?

The shadows await you or perhaps you belong with the tides of the ocean? If neither then the Mountains are calling your name!

About the Server

Rekindled ruins is a roleplay server that is like a family, very welcoming and helpful when it comes to someone joining its community! We have active members who are excited and eager to help new faces and accept them into our family as we roleplay cats and plot our characters lives! This group has plots that are already set in stone by admins but also welcomes members to suggest plots or ask about their character being in the spotlight for a while. While we welcome plots we also sometimes use them to help ourselves with goals for the group. Many of our members have found RR as their home and place to relax from the world or sometimes vent if they have problems, we also game and enjoy life away from Roleplay so we aren't all just focused on one thing. Thus it never gets dull here.

Links for The Group

Discord Server

The discord server is where the roleplay takes place and communication between members and admins!


Here you find the information you will need in order to join us! Such as information of how to join, rules, history, ect!


You can visit here to see reviews of the group from its members!

We hope you join us! We enjoy seeing new faces and if you have any questions you can ask them here, in the server or DM me!

Artwork shown:Spar night by me and IcyskiiesSurfer family done by: Icyskiies


Posted 2021-03-06 15:24:14 (edited)

Wanna know some random facts?
- I've been a member with RR Since it first started in 2018

- It's still super active, people talk in it every day.

- It's a discord roleplay that hosts its own gatherings, and events that the admins or members host (be sure to discuss plots you want to make an event with admins for approval!)

- We are a small community with 35 members, but with around 100+ characters to interact with!

- We are super welcoming to new people and even if you can't draw we can draw your cat for you to help you join! (please don't be afraid of our 10 pings when you join we are just that excited for a new face)

- All our cats struggle with romance, we've only had two couples pair up for our 3 years of life, this is so sad. 


Posted 2021-05-30 12:03:42

If you have any questions about this group feel free to DM me since Ember doesn't use Wolvden anymore.


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