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Let's Spread Some Positivity!

Posted 2020-10-01 08:42:02

I appreciate this thread!  

I love the art in this game, and the way the look of the hunting and exploring areas change at dawn, dusk, night, and in different weather.   I really love that we can choose where we want to explore next instead of it being linear.  I actually love how it's harder to breed pups because it invites me to really get to know them, instead of turning them into a disposable commodity.  It being harder to gain SB is good for game balance and makes me feel like I really achieved something when I get a good amount.  I also love how stats are more important and how persistence in hunting is actually rewarded.  It's also super amazing how we are given more space and tools for customizing individual wolf profiles, because again that leads to me treating my wolves more like individuals and less of a commodity.  It makes me want to create and share their story instead of going "not howlite pelt?  Meh, CHASE" and never regretting it.

Very good job, devs, and I also want to give some love to the testers, you guys did a great job and I really appreciate the Grouse House guides!  Iv'e betaed a game before and it can be hard work.  Kudos to all!


Posted 2020-10-01 09:32:30

Love the game so far  <3333

Like every game in existence improvements could be done everywhere so I can understand people complaining but no point on focusing on the bad stuff - the game just got out and for the beginning i really like it and its definitely going in an amazing direction


Posted 2020-10-01 13:23:32

The art is gorgeous. I love see the map and hunting art during different times of the day and also weather. Them also changing more or less when season change aaaaa... Looks so good. 


Posted 2020-10-01 13:43:28

This should definetly be the most popular thread of the game!

I was a beta tester since day 1. I've seen this game grow and change and become what it is today. And I can't believe how protective and fond of it I am!

What I love the most is its being almost a completly different game from Lioden. They share their soul, but in the end they really are their own thing. Devs and Admins made a wonderful job in creating new mechanics and challenging features that, in the end, make you really feel proud of your results. And let's not forget all the artists (I'm in love with the young pup lineart)!!

I can't wait to see what's coming next!!!!


Posted 2020-10-01 13:50:58

i absolutely love wolvden to the moon (heh) and back!! i know i'm going to be obsessed with it for years to come <3


Posted 2020-10-01 23:27:09

Can we also talk about how good the markings look here? Even two or three marked newly befriended wolves can look incredibly beautiful. I also love it that you can design your first two wolves and have a good start for your pack, instead of having to rely on luck to get at least somewhat decent looking starters. Especially in a new game, it can be discouraging if your first two pets are just garbage potatoes :''DDD

I was also a beta tester and it's nice to see how far this game has already come. A lot of adjustments have been added that just makes the quality of life a lot better. And I'm sure this will keep happening too in the future when it is needed. Official beta might be over, but it's still a little bit testing and seeing how things will go with a larger player base. And I'm positive our lovely devs will do a good job.

Thanks for a good game and I can't wait to see what new things you have in store for us. 


Posted 2020-10-01 23:50:43

ive only been playing a few days so far and ive been having a pretty good time, yeah building up supplies and decent wolves and such is a struggle, but i like that its not easy. if it were easy to get everything, itd be pretty boring. (besides, the economy will settle after it opens to the public and has some more time)

seconding the markings thing! ive yet to see a badly designed wolf anywhere on site, which shows how well literally any marking can fit together. even the more louder markings and bases can look good if used properly. my featured wolf was total shuffled and she looks GREAT

im excited to get to a point where theres more bases, more markings, events, and just more stuff to enjoy in general


Posted 2020-10-08 09:44:36

I wanted to mention something today that I think is just really, really cool.  I love how the different biomes change depending on weather AND season.  That's so neat, and I love the artists for the attention to detail.  I'd love to have bigger versions of the art to use as wallpapers!  It also inspires me and makes me think of making my own art.


Posted 2020-10-08 10:31:22 (edited)

I have so much I want to gush over, but I'll try to keep myself limited to a few so this doesn't become me rambling.

The art is beautiful! I love all the locations, the wolves themselves, the enemies are gorgeous, and even the item art is fantastic.

When I set my Hoard filter to Food, use an entire stack up, it goes right back to my Filtered hoard! Holy smokes this is such a time saver! It prevents feeding from becoming a chore and every single day so far has me giggling at this function.

Scouts are amazing and I really love this feature. I'm able to get to distant areas without having to worry about leveling up my wolf. This is great for me cause my poor wolf is only level 9 and I've been here since day 1.. heh.

Being able to isolate my sick wolves. Oh my gosh this is such a blessing. My herbalist is a slowpoke and I don't have the herbs I need half the time.

On the subject of sick wolves, some illnesses being able to go away on their own is something I'm thankful for. I was prodding my herbalist and exploring for my last ingredient for a cure, and my wolf said "nvm I'm fine now". 

I only have good things to say about this game so far. I'm having a blast!


Posted 2020-10-08 10:46:55

I legitimately have zero complaints! The game goes hand-in-hand with so many different play styles! For me personally, I am a very hardcore player and I strive to breed the best and rarest, and I am online for at LEAST 4 hours a day. I know this gameplay style doesn't suit everyone, but there are so many different options on the way to play! You don't have to conform to how everyone else wants to play, you can just play how you'd like! 

I kind of rambled on there, but some other things I adore about the game are the proficiency system, herbalism, and hunting! I really think that proficiency is such an amazing feature. I enjoy watching my wolves go higher in proficiency as I work with them more; it's so rewarding! It feels like I accomplish something every time my wolves come back from their tasks.

Herbalism is also such a cool task to do! Sending my wolf out (who is always happy to do so) to gather herbs for me and help craft cures for my sick wolves (also something I think is a great touch) is so fun to me :)

Hunting I cannot stress enough how much I like! I really enjoy the synergy feature and because of that I have to put thought into my parties and really think about which wolves I should keep and which I shouldn't.

Of course, the game is challenging, but that's what I find great about it. It's only been open for 2 weeks. It shouldn't be easy to accomplish tasks such as exploring your whole map.

Nothing but compliments from me! *chefs kiss*

River Ripple

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