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Taking requests - Mandala-type PWYW!

Taking requests - Mandala-type PWYW!
Posted 2020-12-10 09:56:56 (edited)

Hey! So apparently these are good enough for commissions. Almost completely PWYW. You could get these anywhere from two minutes after posting (if I'm online and actively checking it), three hours later, or the next day, but expect it within the week for sure. All you need to give me is a few colors and how detailed you want it, maybe give me a theme like Christmas or gemstones or even a fruit. I'm also decent at freestyling based on your avatar and name so be prepared for that if you don't give me any specific you want. I can't draw wolves or anything like that in these, they are just plain designs like the ones below- though I can add hearts and bubbles, things like that. These are PWYW with a minimum of 20sc. Sometimes I'll have some premades up so go ahead and snag one if there are any.


^ Theme was strawberry, did this for free, pretty quick.

^ A request, theme gemstone and colors light purple and blue, took me longer than usual because there were details in the request.

^ A request, I don't remember the theme but it may have been jungle. Kind of in the middle on time spent.

^ Don't remember much about this.

Once I make this for you, it is still my art. I am making it so you can use it as decoration, not so you can resell or claim it as your own. I can still use these for avatars or examples in the future, and my only limitation is that I will not resell (unless you're alright with it and you tell me that you are when you buy the one I give you).

Aquatic | Lights on

Posted 2020-12-10 09:57:05

Res just in case

Aquatic | Lights on

Posted 2020-12-19 20:27:01


Aquatic | Lights on

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