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Adolescent Lineart

Adolescent Lineart
Posted 2020-09-25 13:06:53 (edited)

Does the adol lineart seem a lot thicker to anyone else? Like, look at this white wolf adol, and then this adult.


The adult seems to have a lot less black edges, and honestly this kinda bothers me. Like, it works for the wolves with darker bases and markings, but the lighter colored wolves look.. off. Like it's a similar but different art style, ya know? Love the pose for adol though, it's so cute and adventurous looking. 


Posted 2020-09-25 13:46:31

I have noticed the younger wolf stages having more distinct linework compared to the default adult. I think its most noticeable around the neck, limbs, and inner ear. Weird, but since its a temporary stage in life, it doesn't concern me that much.

Venex 🦅

Posted 2020-09-25 17:24:15

Hmmm maybe a little thicker, I can only see it after starring for a while though lol.  :eyes2: 

ouah 𓏗𓏗

Posted 2020-09-26 02:59:59

yeah I noticed that right away but the pose is cute so I'm not too bothered 


Posted 2020-09-26 07:40:49

Yep. noticed it right away. I really wish all the lineart thickness was consistent throughout all the poses.

That's not my only issue though! Look at honeydew for example, it's much more saturated on newborn/young puppy/adol than it is on puppy & adult!


Posted 2020-09-26 08:02:03

As far as I can tell, the lineart is the same thickness. It mostly looks thicker because it's darker and sharper than the lineart on the adults. The adults are also much shaggier, so the lineart is less apparent on them.


I'm not very good at digital art, but, assuming all they gotta change is the sharpness and opacity of the lineart, it looks like this is an easy fix! This is early access, so I'm sure we'll get some updated art eventually :)

Mad Hats

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